General Discussion
General Discussion
Hello , i have bought a FAS2520 from an auction and was wondering if someone could help me retrieve the licence's
the serial numbers of the controllers are : Controller A has sn: 211527000097 and controller B has sn: 211527000098
netapp support has asked me to contact sales but as i don't have a company email ( this setup is intended as a homelab)
i'm inable to contact them. I would also like to note that according to the support chat sales would be able to provide the existing licences for these serial numbers
This thread has similar query.
It's pretty much what Alex said in the link that Ontapforrum linked. Licenses are non-transferable.
Though I'm curious on this - "I would also like to note that according to the support chat sales would be able to provide the existing licences for these serial numbers".
Can you DM me the transcript?
I have sent you the transcript in DM 🙂
I have the same issue. could you share the transcript to me?