General Discussion
General Discussion
I've been searching the internet for a tool which converts from .XML back to .EVTX
I was given .XML output from the EventViewer and I wish to convert it back.
I've seen two posts about this tool. It this tool available to the general public?
If not how could I evaluate this tool (with intent to purchase if it works)?
Hi there! The tool is available to download from - please post a follow up if you have any problems downloading it. It is intended to be used with logs from our systems, so not sure how it will generally work, but feel free to give it a try.
Hope this helps!
I downloaded your tool from this link.
Execute it and there is an error in command line
Conversion failed with error code C00CEE61
Conversion failed with error code C00CEE3A
Logs from Windows 10 Pro
Yes, I must have full access to download this utility. Can someone help me, download and send the utility to the mail for example? I would be very grateful.
Hello @AlexDawson is this tool still available? I have full access but I'm unable to download the tool from the link. Your help is highly appreciated.
Hi, unfortunately it looks like the tool is no longer available. It was never a "funded" tool, so we didn't post any end of availability notice, so I don't know when it stopped being available. Sorry!
For XML to EVTX, check out XMLtoEVTX Converter. It's out there, but not sure if it's public. Hit up the devs, maybe they can hook you up for a trial.