I have a function that finds a snapshot and uses it to create a FlexClone, which looks like this
$snapShot = Get-NaSnapshot -Name $volume -SnapName *recent
$clone = New-NaVolClone -ParentVolume $volume -CloneVolume $cloneVolume `
-ParentSnapshot ($snapshot.name) `
-SpaceReserve none
When I call New-NaVolClone, I have to specify -Snapname ($snapshot.name) rather than just passing in $snapshot.
What I think would be really useful is if there was an Override for the ToString() method on the NetApp.Ontapi.Filer.Snapshot.SnapshotInfo class so that it would display the name of the snapshot.
I think the same would be true for all the *info types, particularly VolumeInfo and LunInfo.