Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

Exchange Mailbox Export to NetApp SMB Share is Failing


My PowerShell-Fu is quite rusty, and I am looking for some help. I am assuming this is a permissions issue, but at any rate here is the deal. IHAC who is trying to export a mailbox from Exchange2010 to a CIFS share hosted on a NetApp FAS. The customer claims they can write files to the share, but when executing the following from PowerShell they are unable to write the file. Command and verbose output listed below.

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>New-MailboxExportRequest -mailbox c.olson -BadItemLimit 49 -FilePath "\\sharedfiles.CompanyX].

ao\Information Technology\Infrastructure\Windows\Rep Outlook Contact files\JaneDoePrimary.pst" -DomainController c

ip48ad2.cmi.CompanyX].nao -verbose

VERBOSE: [15:25:52.574 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : Active Directory session settings for 'New-MailboxExportRequest'

are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'CGIP48AD1.CGI.CompanyX].NAO', Preferred Global

Catalog: 'caup48ad.CAU.CompanyX].NAO', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ caup48ad.CAU.CompanyX].NAO,

  1. JErlanger.CompanyX].NAO }'

VERBOSE: [15:25:52.886 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : Runspace context: Executing user: CNAD.CompanyX].NAO/CompanyX Shared

Services/Park48/Information Technology/admin/MrXAdmin, Executing user organization: , Current organization:

, RBAC-enabled: Enabled.

VERBOSE: [15:25:52.995 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : Beginning processing &

VERBOSE: [15:25:53.011 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : Instantiating handler with index 0 for cmdlet extension agent

"Admin Audit Log Agent".

WARNING: When an item can't be read from the source location or can't be written to the target location, it will be

considered corrupted. By specifying a non-zero BadItemLimit, you're requesting that Exchange not copy such items to the

target location. When the request is complete, such corrupted items won't be available at the target. When the source

is deleted, these items will be completely lost.

VERBOSE: [15:25:55.663 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : Current ScopeSet is: { Recipient Read Scope: {{, }}, Recipient

Write Scopes: {{, }}, Configuration Read Scope: {{, }}, Configuration Write Scope(s): {{, }, }, Exclusive Recipient

Scope(s): {}, Exclusive Configuration Scope(s): {} }

VERBOSE: [15:25:55.756 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : Searching objects "c.olson" of type "ADUser" under the root


VERBOSE: [15:25:55.834 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : Previous operation run on domain controller


VERBOSE: [15:25:55.850 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : Searching objects "DAG01DB08" of type "MailboxDatabase" under

the root "$null".

VERBOSE: [15:25:55.866 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : Previous operation run on domain controller


VERBOSE: [15:25:56.193 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : [DEBUG] MDB fda0bf27-ccbd-407f-9b0d-f40d9232a29c found to belong

to Site: CompanyX].NAO/Configuration/Sites/Default-First-Site-Name

VERBOSE: [15:25:56.240 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : [DEBUG] MRSClient: attempting to connect to


VERBOSE: [15:26:00.140 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : [DEBUG] MRSClient: connected to 'P48PMAIL04.CompanyX].NAO',

version caps:07

VERBOSE: [15:26:00.218 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : Processing object "RequestGuid

(c5d75ba1-2eaf-4f92-bf5d-2ccefe0455f4), RequestQueue: (fda0bf27-ccbd-407f-9b0d-f40d9232a29c)".

VERBOSE: [15:26:03.432 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : The server or share name specified in the path may be invalid,

or the file could be locked. --> The account used is a computer account. Use your global user account or local user

account to access this server.

VERBOSE: [15:26:03.463 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : Admin Audit Log: Entered Handler:OnComplete.

The server or share name specified in the path may be invalid, or the file could be locked.

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (0:Int32) [New-MailboxExportRequest], RemotePermanentException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 926C40C1,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.NewMailboxExportRequest

VERBOSE: [15:26:03.603 GMT] New-MailboxExportRequest : Ending processing &



hi merick,

welcome to communities,

i would like you to check

a) Is this working manually first then check automation errors

b) googled around and found

Check the security on the location you are storing the PST's. You need to grant the Exchange Trusted Installer account at least Modify rights to the directory. We've seen that issue cause problems, and while it's actually talking about the source, it could be the destination also.

pls see someone also reported this




choose another user that you haven't prepped for this merge operation and start the export  using the same .pst file location. Optionally refer this thread and check what you are missing.
