Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Hello community,
i would like to create a powershell script, which shows me all export policies without volume / qtree assignment.
Anyone able to help me with some usefull code?
Thank you,
Solved! See The Solution
Hi Lukas,
It's more efficent to query the OCUM database given the objects are already discovered and the database contains the information you are looking for. You can query the cluster\vserver using powershell if you required. Here is an example:
Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The Cluster name or IP Address")] [String]$Cluster, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The vserver name")] [String]$VserverName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The credentials to authenticate to the cluster")] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credentials )
Import-Module DataONTAP -ErrorAction Stop
Connect-NcController -Name $Cluster -HTTPS -Credential $Credentials -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
Throw $("Failed connecting to cluster ""$Cluster"". Error " + $_.Exception.Message)
} Try{ $ep = Get-NcExportPolicy -Vserver $VserverName -ErrorAction Stop }Catch{ Throw $("Failed enumerating export policies. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) } Try{ $vols = Get-NcVol -Vserver $VserverName -ErrorAction Stop }Catch{ Throw $("Failed enumerating volumes. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) } Try{ $qt = Get-NcQtree -VserverContext $VserverName -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.Id -ne 0} }Catch{ Throw $("Failed enumerating Qtrees. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) } [HashTable]$policies = @{}; [HashTable]$volumes = @{}; [HashTable]$qtrees = @{}; [HashTable]$used = @{}; [HashTable]$unused = @{}; ForEach($vol In $vols){ If(-Not($volumes.ContainsKey(${ [HashTable]$volumes.Add($, $vol.VolumeExportAttributes.Policy) } } ForEach($q In $qt){ If(-Not($qtrees.ContainsKey($("/" + $q.Volume + "/" + ${ [HashTable]$qtrees.Add($("/" + $q.Volume + "/" + $q.Qtree), $q.ExportPolicy) } } ForEach($p In $ep){ If(-Not($policies.ContainsKey($p.PolicyName))){ [HashTable]$policies.Add($p.PolicyName, $p.Vserver) } } ForEach($key In $volumes.Keys){ If(-Not($used.ContainsKey($volumes[$key]))){ [HashTable]$used.Add($volumes[$key], "") } } ForEach($key In $qtrees.Keys){ If(-Not($used.ContainsKey($qtrees[$key]))){ [HashTable]$used.Add($qtrees[$key], "") } } ForEach($key In $policies.Keys){ If(-Not($used.ContainsKey($key))){ [HashTable]$unused.Add($key, "") } } Write-Host "Volumes`:" $volumes Write-Host "" Write-Host "Qtree`:" Write-Host "" $qtrees Write-Host "" Write-Host "Export Policies`:" Write-Host "" $policies Write-Host "" Write-Host "Used Export Policies" Write-Host "" $used.Keys Write-Host "" Write-Host "Unused Export Policies" Write-Host "" $unused.Keys
That worked fine in my lab, i tested modifying export policies on volumes and qtrees and the results were what i expected showing the used and unused export policies per vserver.
Hi Lukas,
I think an efficent method would be to query the OCUM database based on a the cluster and vserver. Something like...
SELECT cluster.NAME AS 'cluster_name', vserver.NAME AS 'vserver_name', export_policy.NAME AS 'policy_name', volume.NAME AS 'volume_name', qtree.NAME AS 'qtree_name' FROM netapp_model_view.export_policy, netapp_model_view.volume, netapp_model_view.qtree, netapp_model_view.vserver, netapp_model_view.cluster WHERE vserver.clusterId = cluster.objid AND volume.vserverId = vserver.objid AND qtree.volumeId = volume.objid AND qtree.vserverId = vserver.objid AND volume.exportPolicyId = export_policy.objid AND qtree.exportPolicyId = export_policy.objid AND vserver.NAME = 'vserver2' AND cluster.NAME = 'cluster1'
To ensure that gives you the correct results in your environment cross check the results with the CLI output of:
volume show -vserver <%vserver_name%> -fields policy qtree show -vserver <%vserver_name%> -fields export-policy
Once you've determined the query provide the correct results your looking for it's just a matter of comparing the export policies that exist on the vserver with the ones that are assigned to volumes or qtrees
Hello Matt,
thank you for your quick reply. Means it's not easy to realize via Powershell Toolkit CMDlets?
Thank you,
Hi Lukas,
It's more efficent to query the OCUM database given the objects are already discovered and the database contains the information you are looking for. You can query the cluster\vserver using powershell if you required. Here is an example:
Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The Cluster name or IP Address")] [String]$Cluster, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The vserver name")] [String]$VserverName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The credentials to authenticate to the cluster")] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credentials )
Import-Module DataONTAP -ErrorAction Stop
Connect-NcController -Name $Cluster -HTTPS -Credential $Credentials -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
Throw $("Failed connecting to cluster ""$Cluster"". Error " + $_.Exception.Message)
} Try{ $ep = Get-NcExportPolicy -Vserver $VserverName -ErrorAction Stop }Catch{ Throw $("Failed enumerating export policies. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) } Try{ $vols = Get-NcVol -Vserver $VserverName -ErrorAction Stop }Catch{ Throw $("Failed enumerating volumes. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) } Try{ $qt = Get-NcQtree -VserverContext $VserverName -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object {$_.Id -ne 0} }Catch{ Throw $("Failed enumerating Qtrees. Error " + $_.Exception.Message) } [HashTable]$policies = @{}; [HashTable]$volumes = @{}; [HashTable]$qtrees = @{}; [HashTable]$used = @{}; [HashTable]$unused = @{}; ForEach($vol In $vols){ If(-Not($volumes.ContainsKey(${ [HashTable]$volumes.Add($, $vol.VolumeExportAttributes.Policy) } } ForEach($q In $qt){ If(-Not($qtrees.ContainsKey($("/" + $q.Volume + "/" + ${ [HashTable]$qtrees.Add($("/" + $q.Volume + "/" + $q.Qtree), $q.ExportPolicy) } } ForEach($p In $ep){ If(-Not($policies.ContainsKey($p.PolicyName))){ [HashTable]$policies.Add($p.PolicyName, $p.Vserver) } } ForEach($key In $volumes.Keys){ If(-Not($used.ContainsKey($volumes[$key]))){ [HashTable]$used.Add($volumes[$key], "") } } ForEach($key In $qtrees.Keys){ If(-Not($used.ContainsKey($qtrees[$key]))){ [HashTable]$used.Add($qtrees[$key], "") } } ForEach($key In $policies.Keys){ If(-Not($used.ContainsKey($key))){ [HashTable]$unused.Add($key, "") } } Write-Host "Volumes`:" $volumes Write-Host "" Write-Host "Qtree`:" Write-Host "" $qtrees Write-Host "" Write-Host "Export Policies`:" Write-Host "" $policies Write-Host "" Write-Host "Used Export Policies" Write-Host "" $used.Keys Write-Host "" Write-Host "Unused Export Policies" Write-Host "" $unused.Keys
That worked fine in my lab, i tested modifying export policies on volumes and qtrees and the results were what i expected showing the used and unused export policies per vserver.
Can you please elaborate on how can I query OCUM database? I have no basic ideas on how I can use OCUM database. Could you please help me where can I start with to learn, or any documents?
This is something I have aleays wanted to know. Thanks!
For information on connecting to the OCUM database please see this TR:
See Section 2.2 on page 4
I'd recommend using HeidiSQL for writing queries, it's free, lightweight and easily portable by copying a single .exe file.
You can download it here:
Assuming you have WFA in your environment running on Windows then download the x64 nightly build executable and copy it to the "lib" directory (default is 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\lib' on your WFA server), send a shortcut of the heidisql executable to the desktop and open the shortcut. When creating a connection to OCUM use the read-only database user credentials. This should enable you to connect to the OCUM database, browse the database views and write queries
Hello @mbeattie
getting entries from OCUM is one option, but it's not like "realtime".
My solutions is:
# Creating HashTable and filling with values $Policies = @{} foreach ($QtreeItem in Get-NcQtree | Where-Object {$_.Vserver -notlike '*-mc' }) { $ExportPolicy = $QtreeItem.ExportPolicy if ($Policies.$ExportPolicy) { $Policies.$ExportPolicy += $QtreeItem } else { $Policies.$ExportPolicy = @($QtreeItem) } } # Comparison with HashTable: Export-Policies without "Qtree" assignment foreach ($ExportPolicyItem in Get-NcExportPolicy | Where-Object {$_.Vserver -notlike '*-mc'}) { $PolicyName = $ExportPolicyItem.PolicyName if ($null -eq $Policies.$PolicyName) { Write-Host "Vserver: $($ExportPolicyItem.Vserver)" Write-Host "Export: $PolicyName" Write-Host "" } # Comparison with HashTable: If Export-Policy has no "Host" entries if ((Get-NcExportRule -Policy $PolicyName).Count -eq 0) { $PolicyItems = $Policies.$PolicyName if ($PolicyItems.QTree.Count) { foreach ($PolicyItem in $PolicyItems) { Write-Host "Vserver: $($PolicyItem.Vserver)" Write-Host "Export: $PolicyName" Write-Host "" } } } }
Thank you for your help and I hope my code is interesting for other ppl here 🙂
Best regards,