Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Hello All,
I am using invoke-nassh command and I am interested in fetching only the snapmirror lag above 24 hrs.
Note: Will not use get-nasnapmirror command as it doensn't fetch snapmirror details configured from vfiler context
commands used: invoke-nassh -name "controller name" -credential "credentials" "vfiler run * snapmirror status"
src:vol1 src2:vol1_sm snapmirrored 00:20:05
src:vol2 src2:vol2_sm snapmirrored 24:20:05
'Invoke-NaSsh' sends a Data ONTAP CLI command to the controller via SSH from PSTK.
PSTK invokes SSH to execute the CLI command on the controller and gets the output as is from the CLI.
So PSTK can not act on formatting the parameters of the output of 'Invoke-NaSsh'.
Agreed. Is there any other way to do this.
Moreover i am facing one more issue, while triggering this script through scheduler it is not pushing the details to the output file but when I run the same script through Powershell ISE the output file generates the snapmirror status details
Hello @ARB,
You can use the Get-NaSnapmirror cmdlet to get the lag time. It's stored in the "LagTimeTS" property...
(Get-NaSnapmirror $mirrorName).LagTimeTS
For your other issue, how are you outputting the data to a file? Is other info written to the file?
Hello Asulliva,
using get-nasnapmirror cmdlet we can get the snapmirror detaila and we can filter with lag time more than 24 hours. But it have some issues.
Issue: Get-snapmirror cmdlet doesn't pull the snapmirror relationships which are created from vfiler context. It only pulls the report from vfiler0. Hence any snapmirror which are created from vfiler context are missed. We have tested this functionality.
2nd issue:
I am redirecting the output to an outpu file with the below mentioned commands. If I execute the powershell script using Powershell ISE it works and pull the snapmirror data and redirect to the output file as desired but when it runs through windows scheduler it doesn't redirect the output
powershell scipt used for the following output:
write-ouput "controller name: $controller" | out-file -filepath $out_file -append
write-ouput "=====================" | out-file -filepah $out_file -append
invoke-nassh -name $controller -credentails "$cred" "vfiler run * snapmirror status" | ft -autosize | out-file $out_file -append
NOTE: the above command was also tried using write-output which has also failed to execute the commands
Output when run from powershell ise:
conroller name: src
src:vol1 src2:vol1_sm snapmirrored 00:20:05
src:vol2 src2:vol2_sm snapmirrored 24:20:05
Output when run from the windows scheduler
conroller name: src