Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Hello All,
I have written a script that will create a vfiler and then configure based on a number of params. Once the vfiler has been created, I run teh following:
connect-nacontroller $controller -vfiler $vfilerhost
And then try to run:
New-NaUser Support $passwd Administrators
This then fails with New-NaUser : Could not add user <Support>. Error: User cannot access group(s)
However it does work when I connect using
connect-nacontroller $vfilerhost -HTTP
I have read on another forum post that may be down to me tunneling through the controller to the vfiler. Will this issue be resolved in later versions?
In my environment, my orchestration/automation host will not be in the same vlan as the vfiler, so connecting directly will not be possible. Unless of course I put it into a provisioning network first. Reconfigs will be a nightmare though.
Hey Paul,
What version of Data ONTAP are you running? It's working on the latest build.
[0:419]≥ Connect-NaController starbuck
Name Address Ontapi Version
---- ------- ------ -------
starbuck 1.15 NetApp Release 8.1 7-Mode: Thu Mar 29 13:56:17 PDT 2012
[0:420]≥ Get-NaVfiler
Name Status Ipspace VfnetCount VfstoreCount AdminHost
---- ------ ------- ---------- ------------ ---------
vfiler0 running default-ipspace 5 1
vfstarbuck0 running default-ipspace 3 1
vfstarbuck1 running default-ipspace 3 1
[0:421]≥ Connect-NaController starbuck -Vfiler vfstarbuck0
Name Address Ontapi Version
---- ------- ------ -------
starbuck 1.15 NetApp Release 8.1 7-Mode: Thu Mar 29 13:56:17 PDT 2012 Multistore
[0:422]≥ Get-NaGroup
Name Comment Roles
---- ------- -----
Administrators Members can fully administer the filer {admin}
Backup Operators Members can bypass file security to b... {backup}
Compliance Admini... Members can perform compliance operat... {compliance}
Guests Users granted Guest Access {none}
Power Users Members that can share directories {power}
Replicators not supported {none}
Users Ordinary Users {audit}
[0:423]≥ New-NaUser support -Password Password123 -Groups Administrators
Name Comment Groups
---- ------- ------
support {Administrators}
Hope that helps,
Hi Glen,
I am running 1.31 :
Name Address Ontapi Version
---- ------- ------ -------
Filer 1.13 NetApp Release 8.0.2 7-Mode: Mon Jun 13 14:13:45 PDT 2011
I get the following issues:
PS C:\Users\psanders\Downloads\cifs_vfiler_create_script.ps1> get-nagroup
Name Comment Roles
---- ------- -----
Administrators Members can fully administer the filer {admin}
Backup Operators Members can bypass file security to b... {backup}
Compliance Admini... Members can perform compliance operat... {compliance}
Guests Users granted Guest Access {none}
Power Users Members that can share directories {power}
Replicators not supported {none}
Users Ordinary Users {audit}
PS C:\Users\psanders\Downloads\cifs_vfiler_create_script.ps1> get-navfiler
Name Status Ipspace VfnetCount VfstoreCount AdminHost
---- ------ ------- ---------- ------------ ---------
TEST running default-ipspace 1 1
SCOM-FILER running default-ipspace 1 2
vfiler0 running default-ipspace 5 1
PS C:\Users\psanders\Downloads\cifs_vfiler_create_script.ps1> connect-nacontroller -vfiler SCOM-FILER
Name Address Ontapi Version
---- ------- ------ ------- 1.13 NetApp Release 8.0.2 7-Mode: Mon Jun 13 14:13:45 PDT 2011 Multistore
PS C:\Users\psanders\Downloads\cifs_vfiler_create_script.ps1> get-nagroup
Name Comment Roles
---- ------- -----
Administrators Members can fully administer the filer {admin}
Backup Operators Members can bypass file security to b... {backup}
Compliance Admini... Members can perform compliance operat... {compliance}
Guests Users granted Guest Access {none}
Power Users Members that can share directories {power}
Replicators not supported {none}
Users Ordinary Users {audit}
PS C:\Users\psanders\Downloads\cifs_vfiler_create_script.ps1> new-nauser Test Letmein123 Administrators
New-NaUser : Could not add user <Test>. Error: User cannot access group(s)
At line:1 char:11
+ new-nauser <<<< Test Letmein123 Administrators
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ( [New-NaUser], EINTERNALERROR
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Useradmin.NewNaUser
PS C:\Users\psanders\Downloads\cifs_vfiler_create_script.ps1>
So I should be updating to 1.51?
Hi Paul,
The version you show is just the ONTAP API version (1.13 corresponds to ONTAP 8.0.x btw). You can get the version of the PowerShell Toolkit you are running with the Get-Module cmdlet:
PS C:\> get-module dataontap | ft Name, Version
Name Version
---- -------
DataOntap 2.0.0
Running the current version of the toolkit definitely helps us support you quicker.
Hi Eric,
I am running 2.0.0:
Name Version
---- -------
DataONTAP 2.0.0
Paul that looks like a permissions issue. If you are tunneling through the physical controller, you may need to make sure that your user ID has administrative privileges on the physical controller.
I'm not sure from your script if you are using your Windows credential (via RPC) or a cached credential (i.e. that you added with Add-NaCredential).
Ahh it could be permissions. I basically connect using RPC, which will then run as the windows account I am logged in as (in this case System Centre Orchestrator account).
I will add that account to the administrators group and give that a try.