Several ONTAP storage clusters are providing ONTAP Connection IDs larger than 64Bit Integer can support. The commands are failing with this error:
Get-NcCifsConnection : Error converting value 12930960430088848194 to type 'System.Nullable`1[System.Int64]'. Path 'sessions[0].identifier', line 18, position 40.
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-NcCifsConnection
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-NcCifsConnection], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Error converting value 12930960430088848194 to type 'System.Nullable`1[System.Int64]'. Path 'sessions[0].identifier', line 18, position 40.,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Cifs.GetNcCifsConnection
Get-NcCifsSessionFile : Error converting value 12930960430088913433 to type 'System.Nullable`1[System.Int64]'. Path 'session.identifier', line 26, position 38.
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-NcCifsSessionFile
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-NcCifsSessionFile], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Error converting value 12930960430088913433 to type 'System.Nullable`1[System.Int64]'. Path 'session.identifier', line 26, position 38.,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Cifs.GetNcCifsSessionFile
I have verified the storage clusters ONTAP CIFS Connection IDs are larger the 64Bit integer can handle.
64bit Maximum integer number: 9223372036854775807
ONTAP Session ID: 12930960430088908395