Request 1
Currently the commandlet Invoke-NcSnapmirrorQuiesce has an argument -Query allowing for quiescing SnapMirror relationships that works for SVMDR relationships. However none of the other related Invoke commands like Invoke-NcSnapmirrorBreak and Invoke-NcSnapmirrorResync have the -Query argument. This forces the script to invoke an ssh session to complete an otherwise simple process to fail over an SVMDR relationship.
The request: Please add the -Query to the remaining commands for existing snapmirror relationships.
Request 2
When building an SVMDR snapmirror relationship the command New-NcSnapmirror demands that the volume names be entered. This defeats the use of an SVMDR since all volumes current and future are included automatically in such a relationship.
The request: Please add the ability to stop at the SVM level and not have to include the volumes in the current New-NcSnapmirror or create a new commandlet like New-NcSnapmirrorSVMDR