Hello all,
Noob here.
I'm trying to prove I can update my snapvault relationships on the secondary (primaries are OSSV) based on lag, volume naming convention, and idle status. It runs and works but errored out. I will continue testing to see if this is intermittent.
Start-NaSnapvaultSecTransfer : RPC Error: The remote procedure call failed. Code 0x6BE.
At line:1 char:238
+ get-NaSnapvaultSecStatus | where-Object {$_.LagTimeTS -like "*.*" -and $_.Secondary -like "*:/vol/SV_*" -and $_.Status -eq "idle"} | forEach-Object {$_.Secondary -replace "MyFiler:", ""} | forEach-Object {Start-NaSnapvaultSecTransfer <<<< $_}
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (myfiler:NaController) [Start-NaSnapvaultSecTransfer], EAPITRANSMISSION
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Snapvault.StartNaSnapvaultSecTransfer
Statement executed from shell:
get-NaSnapvaultSecStatus | where-Object {$_.LagTimeTS -like "*.*" -and $_.Secondary -like "*:/vol/SV_*" -and $_.Status -eq "idle"} | forEach-Object {$_.Secondary -replace "MyFiler:", ""} | forEach-Object {Start-NaSnapvaultSecTransfer $_}
This is the first time I have gotten the RPC error ever before, but this is also the first script that isn't just a getter.
Thanks in advance for any direction!