Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Hi All,
I am trying to automate lun creations in NetApp and would like to know if there is any script to automate lun creations.
Thanks in Advance.
Thanks & Regards
There are many factors into lun creations automatically.. Do you have something to get started with...
One other thing, take a look at WFA
Thank you for the response.
I am looking for a basic script which will create volumes,luns,initiator groups and map the luns to igroups.
With the input provided in a file.
Thanks & Regards
Ok, i'm not going to write the entire script for you. You need to at least start somewhere...
Your input file should be a csv file with column headers that you can import..
$import = import-csv file.csv
Then you can script off your csv with filters..
Start with get-nahelp or show-nahelp to get started
For WFA do we need any license from NetApp ?
Thanks & Regards
I believe it is free to all NetApp customers. On a side note I also use WFA to automate my storage provisioning needs. If you would like a copy of my WFA workflow for LUN provisioning let me know.
I user templates on a script basis.
So if you have a UNIX/LINUX Server somewehre around you, I might have a script for you.
You just enter LUN-Name, size, LUN-Number in a simple text file and start the template script e.g. for AIX ode VM, etc.
The output are ONTAP-commands which you copy and paste to your Console window.
In that way it is guaranteed that all LUNs have same options, etc.
Not so experienced admins could use these simple templates, too