Hey There,
Relatively new to the PS thing but so far I could find all the information needed for my powershell script on our flexclone environment. But, I've got one tiny issue with Set-NaCifs I couldn't find the issue.
I create a new vfiler. I connect to the vfiler...
$Credential = Get-Credential
Connect-NaController –name filername -Vfiler vfilertest –Credential $Credential
$pw = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
I create the /etc/passwd & /etc/groups....
New-NaCifsPasswordFile $pw
Then I want to run CIFS Setup via Powershell...
Set-NaCifs -CifsServer vfilertest -AuthType workgroup -SecurityStyle multiprotocol
and get this error:
Set-NaCifs : Unable to process one or more of the input values.
At line:1 char:11
+ Set-NaCifs <<<< -CifsServer vfilertest -AuthType workgroup -SecurityStyle multiprotocol
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (fil-srv01-inf:NaController) [Set-NaCifs], EINVALIDINPUTERROR
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Cifs.SetNaCifs
Couldn't find anything on google or on here. I have tried it with different AuthTypes and capital letter CifsServer names all leading to this same issue. Anyone ever experienced this?