Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
I am writing a Perl script to automate attaching a SnapManager SnapShot as a drive on a server.
I have most of the command working, but I need to confirm the snapshot is not currently in use by SnapMirror.
Based on the code below, how do I get the SnapShot status?
my $result = $s->invoke("snapshot-list-info", volume => $Volume);
if ($result->results_errno != 0) {
print "\nError Code: " . $result->results_errno . " - " . $result->results_reason() . "\n";
return (-1);
my $snapshotlist = $result->child_get("snapshots");
if (!defined($snapshotlist) || ($snapshotlist eq "")) {
printf("No snapshots on volume %s\n\n", $parent_vol_name);
return (-1);
my @snapshots = $snapshotlist->children_get();
my $tmp = 0;
my $snapshot;
my $snap;
foreach my $ss (@snapshots) {
$MName = $ss->child_get_string("name");
$MTime = $ss->child_get_int("access-time", 0);
$MStatus = $ss->child_get_string("state"); ######### this is the value I am not able to get
Thank You,
Solved! See The Solution
I think you are looking for the 'busy' child element of snapshot-info.
$MStatus = $ss->child_get_string("busy");
The raw results back from ONTAP look like this:
I think you are looking for the 'busy' child element of snapshot-info.
$MStatus = $ss->child_get_string("busy");
The raw results back from ONTAP look like this:
Thank you Ryan.
Through trial and error I was able to figure out that I needed to use "busy" last night. Thank you for the quick reply and sample output.