We are experiencing the same issue using the powershell commands invoke-ncsnapmirrorupdate
The CLI command below works fine just specifying the destination-vserver
snapmirror update -destination-vserver $DestVServer
The powershell command does not accept the DestinationvServer on its own
Invoke-NcSnapmirrorUpdate -DestinationVserver $DestVServer
When providing the DestinationVolume,The error "Invoke-NcSnapmirrorUpdate : Relationship with destination " $DestVServer:$DestVolume" is not a valid relationship for this operation because it is a constituent relationship of a vserver SnapMirror relationship." is diaplayed
Invoke-NcSnapmirrorUpdate -Controller $DestController -DestinationVserver $DestVServer -DestinationVolume $DestVolume
JGPSHNTAP - Did you find a workaround for this or get any response?