Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
Is there any way to copy all the share information (cifs shares and export policies) to another cdot cluster?
Like we can copy the cifsconfig_share.cfg/exports files to another 7-mode filer. Same way i want to do it on CMODE. Please let me know.
Hello @Rpstorage,
There are some PowerShell scripts for doing backup/restore of ONTAP shares and exports here.
Hope that helps!
looks these scripts are working in within cluster vsms. I need to sollution for cluster to cluster.
Exports/shares exist at the SVM level with clustered Data ONTAP, not the cluster level. If you have more than one SVM, then you'll want to loop over them with some sort of map of old->new SVM names.
$source_cluster = $source_username = "admin" $source_password = "password" $destination_cluster = $destination_username = "admin" $destination_password = "password" # create a key value map of the SVMs $svm_map = @{ 'old_svm_1' = 'new_svm_1'; 'old_svm_2' = 'new_svm_2'; } # backup from source, restore to destination $svm_map.GetEnumerator() | %{ # backup source Write-Host "Outputing SVM $($_.Key) shares to XML" .\backupSharesAcls.ps1 ` -server $source_cluster ` -user $source_username ` -password $source_password ` -vserver $_.Key ` -share * ` -shareFile ".\$($_.Key)_shares.xml" ` -aclFile ".\$($_.Key)_acls.xml" ` -spit more # restore to destination Write-Host "Restoring SVM $($_.Key) shares to SVM $($_.Value)" .\restoreSharesAcls.ps1 ` -server $destination_cluster ` -user $destination_username ` -password $destination_password ` -vserver $_.Value ` -shareFile ".\$($_.Key)_shares.xml" ` -aclFile ".\$($_.Key)_acls.xml" ` -spit more }
We are replicating all prod volumes to DR vsm. DR VSM is in different cluster. Now I am trying to create cifs shares/export rules on DR volume same as production.
The above script should work. Alternatively, use SVM DR, which will handle all this for you.