Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
We're applying quota's to a customer's filer. Qtrees - CIFS sharing.
They have allot of users, and want to set a default quote on certain QTrees for all users, and override it for certain users. Fairly easy so far.
Different QTrees though, are going to have a different set of users accessing it. So, by saying 'all users' have a default protocol, the Filer will derive every user from AD as having that default quota, even if that user is not someone having access to that share - or have I made an assumption there?
Is it possible to tell the filer to only evaulate quota's for each user from a specific group? I notice that group quota's are an option, but the implication of the langauge used seems to be that the entire group will have a single cumulative quota applied - not individual users.
Any help or pointers to useful documents would be appreciated!
Mark Lomas
Windows groups are not supported in ONTAP as I know.
You need thirdparty software an FPolicy if you want to use Windows groups and quotas
What I'm currently doing is applying a user quota to certain qtrees, and stating 'all users' - but this means that even users who don't have access to that qtree are evaluated for the quota, and show up in reports.
What I want to do is have the filer only evaulate certain users for the quota.
Is this possible?
Mark Lomas
Any further advice at all? Customer is asking us about it.
All help greatly appreciated.
Mark Lomas
Can anyone else offer further advice?
To clarify my original post - I want to configure a blanket per-user quota on a qtree, but effectively exclude certain groups of users from being evaluated, so that hoards of users for whom the quota is not necessary don't appear when you look at the quota report!
Is this possible?
Mark Lomas