Thanks for your replay, i am aware in how to do it, that was not my question, before i came here i did my research and came accross this KB, i am asking because i am confused a netapp consultant ( with more than 1000 cifs migrations - as he says) told me that CIFS terminate cmd will terminate the share but if a client try to connect again the share goes up, my question is if the cifs terminate cmd will terminate/kill all the shares inside a volume or not?.
my understanding is that after you enter the "cifs terminate -v vol1" cmd all the shares inside the volume "vol1" stop and they will be up again until you run "cifs restart -v vol1" or reboot the controller, is this correct??, that is all i need to know.
In OCSM you have the option to "STOP" - "START" the share at a volume level, will this be the same as "cifs terminate -v vol1" - "cifs restart -v vol1 ???? (Using vol1 as example)
Thanks in advance.