Hello everyone,
I have some problems by deploying a 2-Node Cluster at the "POST DEPLOY SETUP" task.
All tasks were marked as sucessfull so far and I can also connect to the cluster- and node-shell(s)
Commands like "cluster show", "net int show", "stor disk show" only tell me that everything is up and running. No errors at all.
Regarding to Netapp: If the cluster-deployment is not completely done, the default login will be "admin / changeme123".
As this exact login is working in my situation, I guess that the cluster is still not finally deployed .
Cluster "POST DEPLOY SETUP" keeps stuck at "ClusterMgmtIpPingable" for over two hours now.
From the perspective of VMware, everything looks fine also.
As I can find absolutelly nothing regarding to this kind of behaviour/situation, I hope to get some help from the Netapp community.
Best regards and thank you in advance.