ONTAP Discussions

8.3 and snapdiff Backup with TSM




We use

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager

Command Line Backup-Archive Client Interface

Client Version 7, Release 1, Level 2.2


NetApp Release 8.3 Clustered Mode

This Version is supported for snapdiff on Netapp Filers


We try a snapdiff Backup on a SVM, we do the following


Management Server: xyz.domain.at
File Server: nas01
Volume: vol1
Share: vol1$
User: domain\tsm_filer

On TSM Client:
set password -type=filer xyz.domain.at domain\tsm_filer
set netappsvm nas01.domain.at xyz.domain.at domain\tsm_filer

On Filer:
CreateUser domain\tsm_filer angelegt
Vserver: xyz.domain.at
                             Authentication                  Acct
User/Group Name  Application Method         Role Name        Locked
---------------- ----------- -------------- ---------------- ------
domain\tsm_filer ontapi      domain         admin            -
domain\tsm_filer http        domain         admin            -

Share mapping on TSM Client
net use p: \\nas01\vol1$ /u:domain\tsm_filer

Net use OK, and we can access the share read-write

Start snapdiff Backup on TSM Client:
tsm> incr p: -snapdiff

07/09/2015 14:56:35 ANS2837E Unable to access the required stored NetApp filer credentials (user id and password) for filer 'nas01'.
         Make sure the SET PASSWORD -TYPE=FILER command was specified correctly to store the credentials.
07/09/2015 14:56:35 ANS2832E Incremental by snapshot difference failed for \\nas01\vol1$. See the error log for details.
07/09/2015 14:56:36 ANS1228E Sending of object '\\nas01\vol1$' failed.
07/09/2015 14:56:36 ANS5283E The operation was unsuccessful.


What are we doing wrong ?


thx michael













I'm having exact the same issue.

But I'm unable to register the password following the doc.


I will open a case a IBM


Following the docs for TSM you should enter the following commands:


dsmc set netappsvm svm_example.com cms_filer1.example.com svm_2
dsmc set password cms_filer1.example.com user_name password


But the set password is not accepted for me


Has anyone found an solution?


I have configured as described above but when I started an SnapDiff-Backup I got the error-message "ANS2041E Snapshot Differencing support is not available on the specified NetApp filer. "

On the cluster I see in the mgwd.log

"Unable to find API: vfiler-list-info :: ONTAPI :: Error"

It looks like the TSM-Client is using 7-mode APIs and not C-mode APIs.



Hi ... just wondering how you got around the problem... we are having the exact same problem.  Our Netapp is running cDot 8.3.1 and our TSM server is V6.3.3.





C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient>dsmc i w: -snapdiff -optfile=dsm.opt
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Backup-Archive Client Interface
Client Version 7, Release 1, Level 4.2
Client date/time: 07/25/2016 13:10:46
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2015. All Rights Reserved.

Node Name: xxxxxxxxxxx
Please enter your user id <xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Please enter password for user id "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx": *******

Session established with server TSM: xxxxxxxxxx
Server Version 6, Release 3, Level 3.100
Data compression forced off by the server
Server date/time: 07/25/2016 13:10:46 Last access: 07/25/2016 13:04:53

Incremental by snapshot difference of volume 'w:'
ANS2041E Snapshot Differencing support is not available on the specified NetApp
ANS2832E Incremental by snapshot difference failed for \\student.fs.xxxxx.xxx\tsm_
snapdiff_test. See the error log for details.
ANS1228E Sending of object '\\student.fs.xxxxxx.xxxx\tsm_snapdiff_test' failed.
ANS5283E The operation was unsuccessful.

C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient>


any update on this? Currently trying to run it on ONTAP 9.1


its complaining about API errors and support.


11/23/2017 14:53:37 ANS2041E Snapshot Differencing support is not available on the specified NetApp filer.
11/23/2017 14:53:37 ANS2832E Incremental by snapshot difference failed for /tsm/XXX. See the error log for details.
11/23/2017 14:53:37 ANS1228E Sending of object '/tsm/XXX' failed.
11/23/2017 14:53:37 ANS5283E The operation was unsuccessful.




Hello! Just one question.


Was the snapdiff function working before upgrading ontap to 9.1 or is it a new installation? with ONTAP 9.1

(which im currently running on my sites too)


you need at least TSM/SpectrumProtect BAclient Version 8.1.x to be supported.


in addition please make sure that you can connect from the system doing the snapdiff backup jobs to port tcp/22 (ssh) and tcp/443 (https) to the lif handling the cluster management interface.


cluster01::> net int show -lif cluster_mgmt
  (network interface show)
            Logical    Status     Network            Current       Current Is
Vserver     Interface  Admin/Oper Address/Mask       Node          Port    Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
            cluster_mgmt up/up    xx.xxx.x.x/xx      cluster01-01   e0a     true


Post updated due to formatting issues and link correction.


rsvp, yours Martin










we have the same problem. Has the issue been resolved?

Thank you very much






we've just migrated our first vFiler from 7mode 8.2.1 to cDOT 8.3.2 - and tsm snapdiff Backup works like a charm.


But you have to be careful how to setup the connection from the TSM BAclient to the cDOT Filer.


  • you need TSM BackupArchive Client Version 7.1.4.x (recommended is due to TSM bug IT12436 http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1IT12436
  • a NetApp cDOT Security Role on the cDOT Cluster, which is to be backuped with TSM - of course you could use the admin role - but it's a security concern.
    this example grants very wide readonly rights for the role used, but it works - of course you can tune and optimize the rights needed for the role used in your installation.
    i've not found a sample listing for the needed commands for the SnapDiff Usage of TSM in cDOT environment. 

  • security login role create -role tsm-snapdiff-role -cmddirname DEFAULT -access readonly
    security login role create -role tsm-snapdiff-role -cmddirname "vserver" -access readonly security login role create -role tsm-snapdiff-role -cmddirname "volume snapshot" -access all
  • a NetApp cDOT User on the cDOT Cluster, which is associated with the just created Security Role. In the first line you have to define a password for that user, please use a complex one and remind that password for later use on the TSM BackupArchive Client System (in this example i've used a local cDOT User, i've not yet tried a domain-user for this - if you want to do it that way, you have to setup a domain tunnel for it in the cDOT Cluster - syntax for this is described here

    security login create -username snapdiff-user -application http -role tsm-snapdiff-role -authmethod password
    security login create -username snapdiff-user -application ontapi -role tsm-snapdiff-role -authmethod password
  • the just created user has to be defined on the System which is responsible for backup of the CIFS Shares of the NetApp cDOT Cluster-System vServers/SVMs.
    just log into that System (in my example its a Windows Server System) and define it in the Client Option File Registry Hive with the TSM-Tools
    define the clustered Data Ontap Management Cluster Connection:

    dsmc set netappsvm <hostname of svm sharing the volume> <fqdn of netapp cluster management server> <svm name in cDOT-cluster> -optfile=<optfile of TSM-Node used for Backup the CIFS-Shares>
    example: dsmc set netappsvm svm1 cluster1.contoso.com svm1 -optfile=svm1.opt
  • after that, the login credentials defined on the cDOT system must be defined on the TSM BAclient System responsable for the Backup too

    dsmc set password -type=filer <fqdn of cluster mgmt, running the svm> <password> -optfile<optfile of the tsm-node used for the backup>
    dsmc set password -type=filer <hostname of svm owning the volume> <password> -optfile<optfile of the tsm-node used for the backup>
    dsmc set password -type=filer cluster1.contoso.com snapdiff-user password -optfile=svm1.opt		
    dsmc set password -type=filer svm1 snapdiff-user password -optfile=svm1.opt 
  • finally, you can try a backup with

    net use w: \\svm1\share1 /persistent:no
    dsmc i w: -snapdiff -snapdiffhttps -optfile=svm1.opt
  • the result should show something like this:

    C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient>dsmc i w: -snapdiff -snapdiffhttps -optfile=svm1.opt
    IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
    Command Line Backup-Archive Client Interface
      Client Version 7, Release 1, Level 4.2
      Client date/time: 04/05/2016 18:50:32
    (c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2015. All Rights Reserved.
    Node Name: SVM1
    Session established with server TSM-SERVER: Windows
      Server Version 7, Release 1, Level 3.100
      Server date/time: 04/16/2016 18:50:32  Last access: 04/16/2016 18:46:27
    Incremental by snapshot difference of volume 'w:'
    Connected to NetApp Storage Virtual Machine
        Management Filer Host/IP Address : cluster1.contoso.com
        Filer Version Information        : NetApp Release 8.3.2: Wed Feb 24 03:29:11 UTC 2016
        Storage VM Name                  : svm1
        Storage VM Host/IP Address       : svm1
        Storage VM Volume Style          : Flex
        Login User                       : snapdiff-user
        Transport                        : HTTPS
    Performing a Full Incremental Backup of volume  \\svm1\share1'
    Creating Base Snapshot.
    Using Base Snapshot 'TSM_CONT5703ECDC6AB08_SHARE1' with timestamp 04/16/2016 16:50:36
    Directory-->                   0 \\svm1\share1\ [Sent]
    Normal File-->            42,496 
    ANS2327I Creating Snapshot Differential Change Log.
    Successful incremental backup of '\\svm1\share1'
    Total number of objects inspected:       26,814
    Total number of objects backed up:       26,814
    Total number of objects updated:              0
    Total number of objects rebound:              0
    Total number of objects deleted:              0
    Total number of objects expired:              0
    Total number of objects failed:               0
    Total number of objects encrypted:            0
    Total number of subfile objects:              0
    Total number of objects grew:                 0
    Total number of retries:                      0
    Total number of bytes inspected:          11.26 GB
    Total number of bytes transferred:        11.27 GB
    Data transfer time:                       38.75 sec
    Network data transfer rate:          305,047.47 KB/sec
    Aggregate data transfer rate:          6,261.52 KB/sec
    Objects compressed by:                        0%
    Total data reduction ratio:                0,00%
    Subfile objects reduced by:                   0%
    Elapsed processing time:               00:31:27
  • Kindly see additional information on the IBM TSM InfoCenter Website at


    especially on the section:



thats an example that works at my site here - please feel free to comment or like/kudo/accept as a solution for you.

sorry for being late in my efforts, but we had so much work to do here in the migration project that this writeup had to wait for an extra-minute ...




Martin Barth



The solution works for me.


