An authentication error occurred in the following recovery.
① Back up the Win10 system image and store the data in NetApp(\\ \ bkup) .
② From Win10, try to perform system recovery with the image and connect to the NetApp shared folder (\\ \ bkup) where the image is stored.
③ When connecting, I was asked for a user name and password, and I enter them and execute OK, an authentication error was occured.
Regarding③, I would like to eliminate the authentication error so that the restore can be completed normally.
As an environment, I have created a local account "AAA" on NetApp's Cifs server (workgroup mode).
Normally, when connecting from Win10, the same local account "AAA" is registered on the Win10 side and the password is also matched, so I can connect without displaying the authentication screen.
For the account entered in ③, I tried using 3 patterns of "AAA", "CifsServer name \ AAA", and "\ AAA", but all of them resulted in an authentication error.