I have configured my autosupport SMTP Mail Host to use "smtphost" which is what the email team told me to use.
When I type nslookup smtphost I get a list of eight IP addresses returned, each belongs to a different server and the servers are split across 2 sites. I imagine this is a common setup in a large company. One or two of these servers seem to be less reliable than the others. I sometimes get that wacky FTP: weird server reply but the autosupport will go eventually. I suppose on the retry it will get a good SMTP server.
I don't want to use a list of IP addresses for the SMTP Mail Host because they might change.
Can I do this?
autosupport modify -node * -mail-hosts smtphost,smtphost,smtphost,smtphost,smtphost
Will that result in five lookups and 5 IP addresses being passed into the autosupport process allowing it to find a working server faster?
Would that work for NTP as well if the NTPHOST returned a list also?