Hi all, I have an unusual problem. I need to change the password for TieBreaker, but after following the Admin guide, I realized that the "&" in our password is causing issues with encrypting.
The problem I'm running into is when I put our password in the "<password>secret</password>" entry, which is in the format of "xxxxxxxx!!&", and then try to restart the service, I get this:
[root@ednastr02 MetroCluster-TieBreaker]# ./mctb_dfm.sh start
MetroCluster TieBreaker startup failed.
See logs for details.
The logs are telling me this:
2015-03-12 12:05:20,280 [main] FATAL com.netapp.rre.anegada.Main - Configuration Error: Configuration Exception:ParseError at [row,col]:[15,29]
Message: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.
2015-03-12 12:05:20,284 [main] WARN com.netapp.rre.bautils.DfmCommand - DFM_EVENT MetroCluster-TieBreaker:Configuration-Error:Configuration-Failed, source: 1: Invalid configuration, vFiler DR TieBreaker cannot start. See log for details.
I went back and put a password without an "&" and it worked. I have also tried the various combinations to get it to accept it, but to no avail:
" Xxxxxx11!!&"
' Xxxxxx11!!&'
" Xxxxxx11!!\&"
' Xxxxxx11!!\&'
I leanred that the above is not the appropriate syntax to excape an XML &, so I tried the following:
But these all caused the service to fail starting up. However, I did get the service to start up with this:
And it did encrypt, but the login is still failing. So, I was wondering if this is throwing off the real password. Anyone know if "&" is supported for this? Thanks.