I installed NetApp for Windows 8.3.2 Sim on Vmware Player. I was able to create a second node and join them. From my vmware player, I can see both nodes in the cluster and run CLI commands from the CLI inside the VMware Player.
HOWEVER I cannot
1.) ssh to the cluster via putty, nor can I
2.) Access my cluster (cant discover or add) to the NetApp SYSTEM MANAGER 3.1.2 that I installed on my Windows desktop. System Manager doesn't find. it. I cannot ping the IP either from a CMD prompt.
I think it's a simple fix, but I am banging my head against the wall for a fix.
Can you help me troubleshoot please. The Custer IP that is owned by the vmware is 192.168.X.20, which I set up per the NetApp 8.3.2 installation and set up guide instructions. I am a newbie to NetApp, so keep that in mind please. Thank you . AZPMTECH@YAHOO.COM.
We are runnng a production environment in a large IT organization, so I need to get this configured as soon as practical please. I can provide production (purchased) SN# offline if required. Thank you for your insight.