ONTAP Discussions

Cannot configure host after successfully authenticated


Hi all,


I have been trying to deploy Ontap select on an ESXi 6.0 and I cannot configure the host after is has been authenticated:


First step works fine:


host add --host-id --username administrator@vsphere.local --vcenter

(ONTAPdeploy) host show-all
| Host          | Status        | Type |
| | authenticated | ESX  |



Then I cannot configure it as I get an error:

(ONTAPdeploy) host configure --host-id --location dc01 --storage-pool data --internal-network management --management-network management --data-network storage
Host configuration updated for host:
(ONTAPdeploy) host show-all
| Host          | Status                    | Type |
| | configuration_in_progress | ESX  |
(ONTAPdeploy) host show-all
| Host          | Status               | Type |
| | configuration_failed | ESX  |
(ONTAPdeploy) event show-all
| category | type                  | level | code | detail                                                     | time                       |
| host     | HostConfigureFailed   | Error |  215 | InternalErr: 'MtuValidationFailed'                         | 2016.07.14 06:59:52.445184 |
| host     | HostConfigureAccepted | Info  |  208 | Add configuration request for host accepted. | 2016.07.14 06:59:40.062448 |
| host     | HostAddSuccessful     | Info  |  207 | Host added successfully.                     | 2016.07.14 06:59:03.420038 |
| host     | HostAddAccepted       | Info  |  206 | Add request for host accepted.               | 2016.07.14 06:58:58.845828 |


Output from /opt/netapp/log/sdotadmin_server.log 


2016-07-14 07:08:29,621|DEBUG http://localhost:8000/api/v1/hosts/ validating schema...
2016-07-14 07:08:29,668|DEBUG http://localhost:8000/api/v1/hosts/ validating parameters...
2016-07-14 07:08:29,670|DEBUG Jsonifing http://localhost:8000/api/v1/hosts/
2016-07-14 07:08:29,670|DEBUG Function Arguments: ['host_id', 'new_configuration']
2016-07-14 07:08:29,671|DEBUG Body parameter 'new_configuration' in function arguments
2016-07-14 07:08:30,794|DEBUG Getting data and status code
2016-07-14 07:08:30,794|DEBUG Got data and status code (202)
2016-07-14 07:08:30,892|DEBUG Getting data and status code
2016-07-14 07:08:30,893|DEBUG Got data and status code (202)
2016-07-14 07:08:38,773|DEBUG Jsonifing http://localhost:8000/api/v1/hosts
2016-07-14 07:08:38,774|DEBUG Function Arguments: []
2016-07-14 07:08:38,774|DEBUG Body parameter 'None' not in function arguments
2016-07-14 07:08:38,775|DEBUG Getting data and status code
2016-07-14 07:08:38,775|DEBUG Got data and status code (200)
2016-07-14 07:08:38,823|DEBUG Getting data and status code
2016-07-14 07:08:38,823|DEBUG Got data and status code (200)
2016-07-14 07:08:39,925|DEBUG Jsonifing http://localhost:8000/api/v1/hosts
2016-07-14 07:08:39,925|DEBUG Function Arguments: []
2016-07-14 07:08:39,926|DEBUG Body parameter 'None' not in function arguments
2016-07-14 07:08:39,926|DEBUG Getting data and status code
2016-07-14 07:08:39,927|DEBUG Got data and status code (200)
2016-07-14 07:08:39,950|DEBUG Getting data and status code
2016-07-14 07:08:39,950|DEBUG Got data and status code (200)
2016-07-14 07:08:40,422|CRITICAL Logging level set to 10
2016-07-14 07:08:40,423|ERROR |Host.py|235:get_host_support| Error: [204] HostInfoErr: Error in retrieving detailed host information for
2016-07-14 07:08:40,423|ERROR |Host.py|545:update_configuration| Update host configuration failed
2016-07-14 07:08:40,478|ERROR |host_tasks.py|40:update_host_configuration| HostInfoErr: Error in retrieving detailed host information for
2016-07-14 07:08:40,550|DEBUG Start from server, version: 0.9, properties: {u'information': u'Licensed under the MPL.  See http://www.rabbitmq.com/', u'product': u'RabbitMQ', u'copyright': u'Copyright (C) 2007-2014 GoPivotal, Inc.', u'capabilities': {u'exchange_exchange_bindings': True, u'connection.blocked': True, u'authentication_failure_close': True, u'basic.nack': True, u'per_consumer_qos': True, u'consumer_priorities': True, u'consumer_cancel_notify': True, u'publisher_confirms': True}, u'cluster_name': u'rabbit@OntapSelect', u'platform': u'Erlang/OTP', u'version': u'3.3.5'}, mechanisms: [u'PLAIN', u'AMQPLAIN'], locales: [u'en_US']
2016-07-14 07:08:40,552|DEBUG Open OK!
2016-07-14 07:08:40,552|DEBUG using channel_id: 1
2016-07-14 07:08:40,554|DEBUG Channel open
2016-07-14 07:08:40,901|DEBUG Jsonifing http://localhost:8000/api/v1/hosts
2016-07-14 07:08:40,901|DEBUG Function Arguments: []
2016-07-14 07:08:40,902|DEBUG Body parameter 'None' not in function arguments
2016-07-14 07:08:40,903|DEBUG Getting data and status code
2016-07-14 07:08:40,903|DEBUG Got data and status code (200)
2016-07-14 07:08:40,946|DEBUG Getting data and status code
2016-07-14 07:08:40,946|DEBUG Got data and status code (200)
2016-07-14 07:08:48,438|DEBUG Jsonifing http://localhost:8000/api/v1/events
2016-07-14 07:08:48,439|DEBUG Function Arguments: ['count']
2016-07-14 07:08:48,439|DEBUG Body parameter 'None' not in function arguments
2016-07-14 07:08:48,443|DEBUG Getting data and status code
2016-07-14 07:08:48,443|DEBUG Got data and status code (200)
2016-07-14 07:08:48,492|DEBUG Getting data and status code
2016-07-14 07:08:48,492|DEBUG Got data and status code (200)

Any ideas why this host is failing to apply the config? 


Thanks in advance.





  It looks like you are trying to deploy a single node. Currently, host configure requires internal-network parameter regardless of whether deploying single node or 4node (there is a bug filed against this issue). Single node should not require specifying an internal-network because no cluster ports are needed for that configuration.

   As a workaround, create an network portgroup with two vmnics connected to it with 10GE links and 9000 MTU. The vmnics doesn’t have to be connected to a physical switch. This will satisfy the configuration checks. 



View solution in original post





  It looks like you are trying to deploy a single node. Currently, host configure requires internal-network parameter regardless of whether deploying single node or 4node (there is a bug filed against this issue). Single node should not require specifying an internal-network because no cluster ports are needed for that configuration.

   As a workaround, create an network portgroup with two vmnics connected to it with 10GE links and 9000 MTU. The vmnics doesn’t have to be connected to a physical switch. This will satisfy the configuration checks. 




Hi Rick,


thanks for you reply. That was the problem indeed! Do you know what kind of error would I get if I try this on a server with only 1G ports. I presume it would not pass the pre-checks if it is looking for 10G ports.


Maybe it is simply not supported but, is it any way to configure a node with only 1G ports?


Thanks again!


Yes.  it will not pass the validation for 1G port speed. You would see "VmnicValidationFailed" error. ONTAP select does not support 1G ports for the internal network configuration. 

Hope this helps. Thanks!
