ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
So from the WEB UI --> HOSTS --> expand --> SAN initiator groups
click +Add
(check) Host initiators
enter Name: 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88
enter Description: host-n1
lun igroup create -vserver SVN -igroup VMware-SVN -protocol mixed -ostype vmware -initiator 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88
if you have multiple initiators it looks like this:
lun igroup create -vserver SVN -igroup VMware-SVN -protocol mixed -ostype vmware -initiator 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88,11:22:33:44:55:66:77:99,...
ISSUE: how do I add a description for each Initiator assuming first two Initiators are for host-n1, next 2 are host-n2 since each initiator has two hba controllers.
Also from the WEB UI it shows connection status how can I from the CLI show the Initiators Connection status.
Solved! See The Solution
you can add comment for the single initiators, i tried for multiple initiators in lab and comment did not show up.
To check the initiator status from the cli, use the command igroup show -v <igroup_name>
See connected iscsi/fcp
iscsi initiator show
fcp initiator show
each host has two WWPNs or a single IQN. They WWPNs both identify the same host. There is no need to separate them. Now, if you want to you could do this
create host wwpn-1 and wwpn-2 separately
lun igroup create -vserver SVN -igroup host1-a -protocol fcp -ostype vmware -initiator 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88
lun igroup create -vserver SVN -igroup host1-b -protocol fcp -ostype vmware -initiator 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:99
then use child-igroups
lun igroup create -vserver SVN -igroup host1 -protocol fcp -ostype vmware -child-igroups host1-a,host1-b
lun igroup create -vserver SVN -igroup all-hosts -protocol fcp -ostype vmware -child-igroups host1,host2,host3,host4
thanks for the info but was not what was looking for but did try alternatives of,
fcp initiator show
but ended up going back to checking the igroup command and found this that answers my second question on showing the igroup comments column.
NETAPP::> igroup initiator show -vserver SVM
Vserver Initiator Comment
--------- ------------------------------------ -----------------------------
SVM 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88 host-n1
you are certainly nit-picking here.
Most if not all installations I have done with FCP, each host is simply defined with two WWPNS"
igroup create -vserver SVN -igroup host1 -protocol fcp -ostype vmware -initiator 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88,11:22:33:44:55:66:77:99
Sure you can put in a comment, but the igroup is generally the host.
Additionally, follwing my logic, "fcp init show" will provide all the details (no comment though as that is implied via the igroup name)
So just clarify the original question:
if you run this command you get the same details as shown in the WEB UI and more
NETAPP::> igroup initiator show -vserver SVM
Vserver Initiator Comment
--------- ------------------------------------ -----------------------------
SVM 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88 host-n1
Using this command can associate a single or multiple initiators to vserver and igroup, what I want to know is how to add the Comment for the initiator and if it can also be done when adding multiple initiators
I believe can do this for a single initiator:
lun igroup create -vserver SVN -igroup VMware-SVN -protocol mixed -ostype vmware -initiator 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88 -comment host-n1
Can you comment Multiple initiators or need to do them one at a time?
lun igroup create -vserver SVN -igroup VMware-SVN -protocol mixed -ostype vmware -initiator 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88,11:22:33:44:55:66:77:99,...
also still have not figured out how to get the initiator status is OK from the cli
you can add comment for the single initiators, i tried for multiple initiators in lab and comment did not show up.
To check the initiator status from the cli, use the command igroup show -v <igroup_name>
if it is already created, just use the "igroup modify" command. You will need pertinent info, like vserver, igroup name then tack on -> -comment "you comment here"