I have inherited an FAS 2240-2 double controller with no external storage. It is running 8.1.2 7-mode. As configured the two controllers are "seperate" from one another. I want to set it up as multipath HA. I have cabled it up per NA pdf guidance. In a seperate NA publication to add "a second controller to creat and HA pair" it states:
Copy the following files from the existing controller module's /etc/boot and etc/software directories ...... I don't have either the boot nor software directories under /etc (or anywhere else) !!!
Am I missing something? I was going to setup a netboot and reload my controller but I don't have access to 8.1.2. Data loss is not important as there is currently no data there.
Could I have selected a clean install and selected other options that would have provided the desired multipath HA that I desire?
Thanks for any help.