ONTAP Discussions

FAS2820 ONTAP 9.14 maximize data aggregate sizing




We have a FAS2820 HA pair with 12 internal drives + 36 external drives (4TB NLSAS drives).


We are trying to figure out the best approach to maximize the available size of the aggregates in a symmetric configuration.


The internal shelf (12 drives) is using ADP.


Root aggregates have 5 ADP root partitions (1 raid group using RAID_DP).


Our main concern is whether we can create 2 data aggregates (1 per node) with the following config (would leave 4 entire drives as spare and 2 partitioned drives also):


- rg0: 16 entire disks (RAID_DP > 14 data drives + 2 parity drives)

- rg1: 5 data partitions (RAID _DP > 2 parity partitions + 3 data partitions)


I wonder if we will break any best practices if we create this aggregate layout. 


Any help is appreciated. 


Best regards. 






First, verify all disks are split evenly. (24 per node)

Can check with {disk show -owner node-01 ; disk show -owner node-02} making sure each has 24


Then manually create the aggregates

aggr create -diskcount 22 -maxraidsize 22 -raidtype raid_tec -node node-01 -aggregate sata_01

aggr create -diskcount 22 -maxraidsize 22 -raidtype raid_tec -node node-02 -aggregate sata_02


By default, ONTAP allows up to 20 disks with Raid-DP. Moving to raid-tec allows up to 29 in the raid group.

You should end up with all drives ultimately being partition (root-Data), maximizing your capacity.


In my example, I left 2 spares per node. You could increase the "22" above to be "23" and get a little more capacity.


aggr create -diskcount 23 -maxraidsize 23 -raidtype raid_tec -node node-01 -aggregate sata_01

aggr create -diskcount 23 -maxraidsize 23 -raidtype raid_tec -node node-02 -aggregate sata_02
