ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Hi All,
I have installed new HBA card in to my PCIe slot and i am able to see the NEW HBA but i see the state as disable state , Can let me know how to enable HBA ?
This card is Initiator.
Solved! See The Solution
is it connected to the disks? is there at least a cable in the port?
have you tried 'fcp config adapter_name up'?
is it connected to the disks? is there at least a cable in the port?
have you tried 'fcp config adapter_name up'?
I want to use this HBA dedicated to connect my tape library through which i am going to configure NDMP backup , No cable is plugged in yet.
it will say 'HARD offline' until you plug a cable in:
<OFFLINE (hard)>)
have you tried to stick a cable there?
Thanks for your help , Once i have plugged in the FC cable the HBA state changed to Enable 🙂