Currently running 8.2.3 7-Mode and have 6 x 100Gb SSD's and 4 x 200Gb's SSD's all set to SPARE at the moment.
I want create 2 seperate Flashpools as such, to maximize the SSD' capacity, rather than the 200's sizing down to 100's...
So, what I want to do is create:
1 x RAID-DP group of 6 x 100 SSD's
1 x RAID-DP group of 4 x 200 SSD's
I don't want to leave a spare SSD in either group. If I try doing this via the GUI, the system always want to leave one of the 200's as a spare.
I know the aggregate with need enabling as hybird mode. I'm thinking I first need to create a RAID-DP group with the 4 x 200's with a RAID group size of 4. Would it then be possible for me to create a seperate group, RAID size 6 for the remining 6 x 100 SSD's ? Ultimately I want to get a combined SSD Flashpool capacity of 743Gb.