I want to repurpose disks earlier used in a cluster. The disks are added to the cluster and are visible/appearing as unassigned disks. During the assignment of the disks to a node of the cluster, 6 disks are identified as being the old root-disks. Is there a way to get rid of the data on those disks.
netapp01::*> storage disk show -disk 3.*.*
Usable Disk Container Container
Disk Size Shelf Bay Type Type Name Owner
---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
3.41.0 - 41 0 FSAS unassigned - -
3.41.1 - 41 1 FSAS unassigned - -
netapp01::*> storage disk assign -disk 3.41.0 -owner netapp01-07
After changing the ownership of the disk, the disk is identified not being a spare.
netapp01::*> storage disk show -disk 3.*.*
Usable Disk Container Container
Disk Size Shelf Bay Type Type Name Owner
---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
3.41.0 3.63TB 41 0 FSAS aggregate n05root netapp01-07
3.41.1 - 41 1 FSAS unassigned - -
Is there a way to revert the disk as being a spare? I know it could be done by using maintenance mode. But then I have to reboot the node and as this is production I would like to find out if there are other ways.