ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I am using FAS3270! May I know how can I access to the Data ONTAP CLI Prompt? Does ssh/telnet to the Controller is the Data ONTAP CLI Prompt?
You can use either ssh or telnet. Following are the options in ONTAP:
[root@elbow-vm23 ~]# ssh sin.rtp.netapp.com options | grep -i ssh.enable
root@sin.rtp.netapp.com's password:
ssh.enable on
[root@elbow-vm23 ~]# ssh sin.rtp.netapp.com options | grep -i telnet.enable
root@sin.rtp.netapp.com's password:
autologout.telnet.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
telnet.enable on (same value required in local+partner)
Thanks a lot! Does the SP also using the same telnet/ssh function?
yes. ssh using the username "naroot" and the root password. Once in the sp, type "system console" then you can login to the console the same as you do from ssh direct to the 3270.
Thanks a lot!