ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Hi, could someone tell me the process of breaking of breaking the snapmiror relationship. I can do it in cli but the volumes are in dataset and the policies are running on them.
Is there a process??
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you can do it through cli, shouldn't be a problem. The dataset goes into non-conformant state (ofcourse the subsequent backup jobs fail if dataset is non-conformant). On syncing the relationship back again it becomes conformant. BTW what is the reason you want to break the snapmirror?
Hi asurendr,
You may wish to Quiesce the snap mirror before break it.
Good luck
ok but how about the policy on those datasets? I read about this dfpm relinquish command but what do afterI use the relinquish command.
The relinquish command is used to mark the relationship as external which could be imported to the dataset on a later point of time, if required.
[root@shoemaker-rhel6x64-01 ~]# dfpm dataset relinquish help
relinquish -- mark a relationship as external
dfpm dataset relinquish { [ <destination-volume-name-or-id> ] |
[ <destination-qtree-name-or-id> ] }
The relationship will be marked as external. Source and
destination objects are left unchanged.
Thanks on your reply!!
So after i use this relinquish command and once these two volumes become external, and the mirrored vol become read/write...?? I can then mount this volume to the server right??
you can do it through cli, shouldn't be a problem. The dataset goes into non-conformant state (ofcourse the subsequent backup jobs fail if dataset is non-conformant). On syncing the relationship back again it becomes conformant. BTW what is the reason you want to break the snapmirror?
I need to show the customer here the process of doing a DR. And also recovery of the archived files
okay. If you do a snapmirror break the destination becomes writable (you can start using it). Once you get back the primary site you can sync the mirror relationship back.
And how about the Vaulted part whose primary is the mirrored volume. Nothing affects this..??
yes AFAIK, it shouldn't affect the backup part. backup part just transfers whatever is present in the "mirrored volume" in your case.