I am cleaning up an old netapp FAS3250.
When I connect one of the shelfs to the controller, one of the disks seems to be a filesystem disk. See below.
The disk was part of an aggregate, but now it does not participate in an aggreate.
Can you body tell me how to convert the filesystem disk to a spare disk?
nacluster::*> storage disk show -container-type aggregate
Usable Disk Container Container
Disk Size Shelf Bay Type Type Name Owner
---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
4.7000025335.0.1 2.68TB 0 0 MSATA aggregate aggr0(2) nacluster-n2
4.7000025335.1.1 2.68TB 0 1 MSATA aggregate aggr0(2) nacluster-n2
4.7000025335.2.1 2.68TB 0 2 MSATA aggregate aggr0(2) nacluster-n2
4.7000025335.9.1 2.68TB 0 9 MSATA aggregate aggr0(1) nacluster-n2
4.7000025335.9.2 2.68TB 0 9 MSATA aggregate aggr0(1) nacluster-n2
4.7000025335.11.2 2.68TB 0 11 MSATA aggregate aggr0(1) nacluster-n2
Henk Snel