ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
From the OnTap CLI, I can run this command to find out my volume type (it will be either RW or DP (for data protection)):
vol show -vserver VserverName -volume VolumeName -fields vserver,volume,state,type
vserver volume state type
-------- -------- ------ ----
VserverName VolumeName online RW
I’d think that the Get-NcVol command should be able to retrieve that data, but that doesn’t seem to be the case:
PS E:\Powershell> Get-NcVol -Name $Mnemonic* -VServer VserverName | Select NcController,Vserver,Name,State,Type
NcController : ControllerName
Vserver : VserverName
Name : VolumeName
State : online
Type :
The Type just comes back blank. I think because it’s not actually an available Property of the volume.
PS E:\Powershell> Get-NcVol | Get-Member -MemberType Properties
TypeName: DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeAttributes
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Name Property string Name {get;set;}
NcController Property NetApp.Ontapi.Filer.C.NcController NcController {get;set;}
Volume64bitUpgradeAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.Volume64bitUpgradeAttributes Volume64bitUpgradeAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeAntivirusAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeAntivirusAttributes VolumeAntivirusAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeAutobalanceAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeAutobalanceAttributes VolumeAutobalanceAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeAutosizeAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeAutosizeAttributes VolumeAutosizeAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeCloneAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeCloneAttributes VolumeCloneAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeDirectoryAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeDirectoryAttributes VolumeDirectoryAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeExportAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeExportAttributes VolumeExportAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeFlexcacheAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeFlexcacheAttributes VolumeFlexcacheAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeHybridCacheAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeHybridCacheAttributes VolumeHybridCacheAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeIdAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeIdAttributes VolumeIdAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeInfinitevolAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeInfinitevolAttributes VolumeInfinitevolAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeInodeAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeInodeAttributes VolumeInodeAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeLanguageAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeLanguageAttributes VolumeLanguageAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeMirrorAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeMirrorAttributes VolumeMirrorAttributes {get;set;}
VolumePerformanceAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumePerformanceAttributes VolumePerformanceAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeQosAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeQosAttributes VolumeQosAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeSecurityAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeSecurityAttributes VolumeSecurityAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeSisAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeSisAttributes VolumeSisAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeSnapshotAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeSnapshotAttributes VolumeSnapshotAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeSnapshotAutodeleteAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeSnapshotAutodeleteAttributes VolumeSnapshotAutodeleteAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeSpaceAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeSpaceAttributes VolumeSpaceAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeStateAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeStateAttributes VolumeStateAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeStripingAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeStripingAttributes VolumeStripingAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeTransitionAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeTransitionAttributes VolumeTransitionAttributes {get;set;}
VolumeVmAlignAttributes Property DataONTAP.C.Types.Volume.VolumeVmAlignAttributes VolumeVmAlignAttributes {get;set;}
Vserver Property string Vserver {get;set;}
Aggregate ScriptProperty System.Object Aggregate {get=try { $this.VolumeIdAttributes.ContainingAggregateName } catch [Exception] { $null };set=if($this.Vo...
Available ScriptProperty System.Object Available {get=try { $this.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SizeAvailable} catch [Exception] { $null };set=if($this.VolumeSpac...
Dedupe ScriptProperty System.Object Dedupe {get=try { $this.VolumeSisAttributes.IsSisVolume } catch [Exception] { $null };set=if($this.VolumeSisAttribu...
FilesTotal ScriptProperty System.Object FilesTotal {get=try { $this.VolumeInodeAttributes.FilesTotal } catch [Exception] { $null };set=if($this.VolumeInode...
FilesUsed ScriptProperty System.Object FilesUsed {get=try { $this.VolumeInodeAttributes.FilesUsed } catch [Exception] { $null };set=if($this.VolumeInodeAt...
IsInfiniteVolume ScriptProperty System.Object IsInfiniteVolume {get=try { if( $this.VolumeIdAttributes.Style -eq 'infinitevol' ) { $true } else { $false } } catc...
JunctionPath ScriptProperty System.Object JunctionPath {get=try { $this.VolumeIdAttributes.JunctionPath } catch [Exception] { $null };set=if($this.VolumeIdAt...
State ScriptProperty System.Object State {get=try { $this.VolumeStateAttributes.State } catch [Exception] { $null };set=if($this.VolumeStateAttributes...
TotalSize ScriptProperty System.Object TotalSize {get=try { $this.VolumeSpaceAttributes.Size } catch [Exception] { $null };set=if($this.VolumeSpaceAttribu...
Used ScriptProperty System.Object Used {get=try { $this.VolumeSpaceAttributes.PercentageSizeUsed } catch [Exception] { $null };set=if($this.VolumeSpa...
Does anyone know any other tricks to pull that info back through Powershell?
Other than using the Invoke-NcSsh command that is… the return data from that is such a pain to deal with.
Solved! See The Solution
Just to expand on what @mbeattie posted a bit, you can get the same info as the CLI using this bit of script:
Get-NcVol | Select Vserver,Name,State,@{ 'Name' = 'Type'; 'Expression' = { $_.VolumeIdAttributes.Type } }
Hope that helps.
Hi Jim,
Are these the droids you are looking for?
PS C:\> Import-Module DataONTAP PS C:\> $credentials = Get-Credential -Credential admin PS C:\> Connect-NcController -Name cluster1 -HTTPS -Credential $credentials | Out-Null PS C:\> $volume = Get-NcVol -Vserver vserver1 -Name "volume1" PS C:\> $volume.VolumeIdAttributes.Type rw
Yes, those are indeed the droids I was looking for! Thank you so much!
I did mark asulliva's follow-up as the accepted solution though, because he answered my follow-up question before I asked it 🙂 I was trying to figure out how to display those attributes along with the others, and that worked quite nicely.
Thanks everyone for your help!
Just to expand on what @mbeattie posted a bit, you can get the same info as the CLI using this bit of script:
Get-NcVol | Select Vserver,Name,State,@{ 'Name' = 'Type'; 'Expression' = { $_.VolumeIdAttributes.Type } }
Hope that helps.
My response as well.
How can i set security style ?
i know its VolumeSecurityAttributes but then how to get the dump for all volues is not clear
For setting the security style, this worked for me:
$volume.VolumeSecurityAttributes.Sytle = "unix"
To get a list of the security type of all volumes:
Get-NcVol | Select Vserver,Name,State,@{ 'Name' = 'Type'; 'Expression' = { $_.VolumeSecurityAttributes.Type } }
With Powershell command , It does not list Security style I am getting type as blank
Get-NcVol | Select Vserver,Name,State,@{ 'Name' = 'Type'; 'Expression' = { $_.VolumeSecurityAttributes.Type } }
Not sure if this changed at some point or what, but the property is actually Style, not Type. So, try this:
Get-NcVol | Select Vserver,Name,State,@{ 'Name' = 'Style'; 'Expression' = { $_.VolumeSecurityAttributes.Style } }
Also, for future troubleshooting, you can list out all the properties of an item and their values like this:
$Vol = Get-NcVol VolName
$Vol.VolumeSecurityAttributes | Select-Object -Property *
Thanks this works 🙂