ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Dear All
Best wishes for a Happy New Year
I have on question.
I I'm testing for ONTAP S3.
During testing, I found that the bucket was not erased.
Created through GUI in 9.8RC1, I deleted it, but it was not deleted
So, I upgraded to 9.8 GA and supported it again, but it is not being erased.
Create a bucket with cli and delete it, and it works.
Please help.
=== work log ===
FAS8040::*> vserver object-store-server bucket show
Vserver Bucket Volume Size Encryption
----------- --------------- ----------------- ---------- ----------
vs_sdyoon busket fg_oss_1609811982 100GB false
vs_sdyoon nas3busket fg_oss_1609811982 100GB false
2 entries were displayed.
FAS8040::*> vserver object-store-server bucket delete -bucket nas3busket -skip-bucket-empty-check true -vserver vs_sdyoon
[Job 26470] Job is queued: Delete object store bucket nas3busket..
Error: command failed: [Job 26470] Job failed: Failed to check if the bucket is empty. Reason: No such file or directory, Object store bucket policy statements are deleted during the failure of
bucket deletion job for bucket "nas3busket" on Vserver "vs_sdyoon".
FAS8040::*> job show -id 26470 -instance
Job ID: 26470
Owning Vserver: FAS8040
Name: Delete object store bucket nas3busket.
Description: Delete object store bucket nas3busket.
Priority: Medium
Node: cluster1-01
Affinity: Cluster
Schedule: @now
Queue Time: 01/06 09:43:04
Start Time: 01/06 09:43:04
End Time: 01/06 09:43:04
Drop-dead Time: -
Restarted?: false
State: Failure
Status Code: 13
Completion String: Failed to check if the bucket is empty. Reason: No such file or directory, Object store bucket policy statements are deleted during the failure of bucket deletion job for bucket "nas3busket" on Vserver "vs_sdyoon".
Job Category: BUCKET
UUID: 23015dc8-4fb8-11eb-81f3-00a098639a43
Execution Progress: Complete: Failed to check if the bucket is empty. Reason: No such file or directory, Object store bucket policy statements are deleted during the failure of bucket deletion job for bucket "nas3busket" on Vserver "vs_sdyoon". [13]
User Name: admin
Process: mgwd
Restart Is or Was Delayed?: false
Restart Is Delayed by Module: -
FAS8040::*> application show
Vserver Application
--------- --------------------------------------------
vs_sdyoon CIFS
Solved! See The Solution
It also may be a bug. I found an internal bug regarding this. Do you have a case open? If so I'll update the case with my findings.
I was unable to recreate the same circumstance.
1. created vserver and bucket via GUI
2. used cli to delete bucket (no data in bucket).
3. created new bucket and filled with random data.
4. using "-skip-bucket-empty-check true", I was able to successfully delete the bucket from diag privilege.
It may help to know the circumstances surrounding the creation of the bucket and its usage.
Dear aladd
Thank you for reply and test.
I also continued testing today.
As you said, it works.
What I've checked so far...
When I create a bucket, the information is shown in the Application show command.
However, buckets that are not currently erased are not visible in the application show.
The link in this part seems to be broken.
(So it doesn't seem to be erased.)
Also, we are checking because we do not know the meaning of Application.
==== log ====
FAS8040::*> vserver object-store-server bucket show
Vserver Bucket Volume Size Encryption
----------- --------------- ----------------- ---------- ----------
vs_sdyoon busket fg_oss_1609811982 100GB false
vs_sdyoon nas3busket fg_oss_1609811982 100GB false
vs_sdyoon testtest fg_oss_1609811982 95GB false
3 entries were displayed.
FAS8040::*> application show
Vserver Application
--------- --------------------------------------------
vs_sdyoon CIFS
2 entries were displayed.
Hello @sdyoon
applications group storage objects in this instance. this command is also depreciated in ONTAP 9.8.
You can get additional information about the application type from the command "application show -instance"
For example:
cluster1::*> application show -instance
Vserver: svm0
Application: test
Application State: online
Application Template: S3Bucket
Application Template Version: 1
Application UUID: b62b6925-4fec-11eb-9bf9-005056b78a74
Application Version: 2
Application Class: smartContainer
Application Protection Granularity: application
Creation Time: Wed Jan 06 06:59:25 2021
Vserver UUID: 61564a7b-4feb-11eb-9bf9-005056b78a74
It also may be a bug. I found an internal bug regarding this. Do you have a case open? If so I'll update the case with my findings.
Dear paul stejskal
Thank you for information.
I haven't opened the case.
Currently, it is in the test lab.
So I will check again after applying ONTAP 9.8 PAtch later.
Thank you for the really good information.