ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
/opt/NTAPdfm/script-plugins/MetroCluster-TieBreaker/mctb_dfm.sh: line 51:
/opt/NTAPdfm/script-plugins/MetroCluster-TieBreaker/mctb_dfm.sh: line 57:
These is is in the script mctb_dfm.sh.
Line 51 ./NTAPmctb status > /dev/null
Line 57 ./NTAPmctb start > /dev/null
I didn’t a find in the directory MetroclusterTiebreaker this file NTAPmctb: find: `NTAPmctb': No such file or directory
I also tried 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 with the same error
What can I do about this?
Scott Tribbey
Hi Scott,
How was MCTB installed?
Was the "install" command run?
The NTAPmctb script gets created when the "install" command is run, after the installation through Operations Manager. What OS are you running on?
Through OnCommand followed the AdminGuide.pdf
Yes, the install was run
Scott Tribbey
General Electric
Office Phone – 321-435-5465
e-mail – scott.tribbey@ge.com
Through OnCommand followed the AdminGuide.pdf
Yes, the install was run
The NTAPmctb script gets created when the "install" command is run, after the installation through Operations Manager. What OS are you running on?
Linux -- RHEL 6
Run the install command manually from the script-plugin directory and see what errors are shown:
If not, please send me any error messages the install command issued.
I ran it from OnCommand server and it worked. Thanks for the help -- Do you know why it was not working from the console?
Another question: I put the password in encryptedPassword but not encrypted format. Before, it used to encrypt the password after I restarted MCTB -- not doing it now
Scott tribbey
You could go back to the job in Operations Manager that you created to invoke the "install" command and check the output there. There should be an error message if something failed.
You never use the element <encryptedPassword> yourself. When you set the password, or change it in the future, you replace the <encryptedPassword> element with <password> and provide the new password in clear text. Then run "validate" or stop/start MCTB. This will immediately rewrite the config file and replace the <password> element and clear text password with the <encryptedPassword> element and the encrypted password text.
Glad this was resolved. Let me me know if you have any further questions or problems.
Another issue --
2014-04-28 19:47:45,350 [filerStatusUpdate-1] ERROR com.netapp.rre.anegada.Monitor - Can't connect to controller pd1ns01t: null
2014-04-28 19:47:45,350 [filerStatusUpdate-2] ERROR com.netapp.rre.anegada.Monitor - Can't connect to controller pd1ns02t: null
From OnCommand server I can ping both filers and the gateway, and I can connect to both controllers with ssh.
I getting this error:
2014-04-28 19:55:05,570 [filerStatusUpdate-1] ERROR com.netapp.rre.anegada.Filer - pd1ns01t: ApiException on system-get-info: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
2014-04-28 19:55:05,570 [filerStatusUpdate-2] ERROR com.netapp.rre.anegada.Filer - pd1ns02t: ApiException on system-get-info: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
Connect Refused means that the TCP port for the API isn't accepting connections. Check the following:
If the user you're accessing the controllers as is other than root, check that the appropriate permissions are granted. Appendix B in the Admin Guide has details on the necessary permissions.
Yes setting this worked -- options httpd.admin.enable on
Thanks for you help.