Dear All,
Please see the below output. Our volume name and LUN name is too long therefore we are unable to identify the Volume name. Can we identify volume name by using 'ID' or can we extend the number of characters in 'Workload' column so that we can see the full name? Please help.................
projsvm1sas_v.. -> Full name not displayed.
qos statistics workload characteristics show
Workload | ID | IOPS | Throughput | Request size | Read Concurrency |
--------------- ------ -------- ---------------- --------------- ------- -----------
-total- | - | 8491 | 280.48MB/s | 34635B | 68% | 17 |
projsvm1sas_v.. 5391 | 1361 | 875.67KB/s | 658B | 98% | 0 |
projsvm1sata_.. 2086 | 821 | 29.80MB/s | 38050B | 99% | 3 |
Tapebackupdis.. 12254 | 775 | 193.75MB/s | 262144B | 100% | 1 |
projsvm1sata_.. 5875 | 757 | 5.41MB/s | 7496B | 84% | 1 |
_Scan_Backgro.. 13374 | 570 | 0KB/s | 0B | 0% | 0 |
projsvm1sata_.. 13207 | 453 | 13.61MB/s | 31481B | 96% | 3 |
projsvm1sata_.. 7786 | 443 | 3.45MB/s | 8183B | 99% | 1 |