Estimate number of workstation: 3000
ONTAP releases you have worked on in prod: 8.1.4-7 mode, 8.3.2 Cdot, 9.1 Cdot.
Windows client versions: 7+8+10
Microsoft office versions: 2013+2016
Preferred failover time slot: weekend
Are you notifying your users: yes
Are you asking the users to take any action: asking to close files, not enforcing or reporting in anyway.
Are your users actuellly taking the action: i see a few dozens session live before and after my upgrades
Have you seen a user data loss as result of failover: no
Have you seen consistent behavior or issues on the SMB clients upon failover: no
Add your notes: i tried leaving excel and word files open. and consistent write to text file with powershell loop - don't remember seeing any error or prompt on either.