I'm getting a very non-specific error when configuring a host in the Deploy Utility.
HostInfoErr: Error in retrieving information for host "10.xx.xx.xx". Reason: No details.
If I add the host with the esx host credentials e.g. esx root and password, then I can configure the host no problem. The problem with that however, is when I attmept to deploy the single node cluster I get an error about not adding the host with vcenter credentials.
Here is the CLI input I'm using:
host configure --host-id 10.xx.xx.xx --location datacenter --storage-pool poolname --capacity-limit 1500 --eval --management-network mgmtVMNetwork --data-network mgmtVMNetwork --instance-type small
Anyone have any idea what's holding me up here? I've used the local administrator@vsphere.local credentials for vcenter and yet there is some generic erorr in configuring the host.