Here is how my fun started - I committed to my users that they can create volumes on Clustered ONTAP by themselves by running a script which will create flexvols, junction-path etc. The plan was to create their volumes' junction-paths under a single parent junction-path mounted through an automounter and all of their volumes could be simply accessed under the parent junction-path automount. Everything went well except users cannot "cd" to their own volume under parent automount - yes they can mount their volume through hard mount and also they can cd to parent automount.Here is the example:
Existing volume: flexvol1
Existing volume junction-path: /BU/flexvol1
Existing volume automounter: /vols/flexvol1 --> vserver:/BU/flexvol1
User volume: flexvol2
User junction-path: /BU/flexvol1/flexvol2
No automounter created assuming the user volume can be accessed through automout /vols/flexvol1/flexvol2 (bummer)
Surprising the trusted host can access even the nested path so can exclude automouter issue also. Any better way to deal with the situation?