ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Please find answer below:
1) Does Select Support out-of-box disks ? Such as FC-SAN LUN ? Because local disks is insufficient for large capacity requirement.
> ONTAP Select 9.0 only supports internal direct attached stroage. In a future release, we expect to support external SAN array. Can you pl. provide some details on the use-case and capacity requirement per node ?
2) Can I add more Ports (vnic)for Select ? Other then the default 6 port. Similarily Can I modify(add,remove)other default config for Select Vm, i.g CPU,MEM ?
ONTAP Select standard supports a fixed VM configuration - 4vCPU/16GB memory. You cannot change that. In the future we will release a Premium offering that can scale-up to higher cpu/memory configuration. Regards, vnic can you please clarify the use-case/need for more than 6 VNICs for Select ?
3)How to update Select software ? The normal guide says:
> Yes, as the guide mentions, the steps are simillar to upgrading an ONTAP version on a FAS platform. The ONTAP CLI commands/process for upgrade are the exact same. You will be able to upgrade as and when ONTAP Select RC2 bits are posted on the NOW site.
> The ONTAP Select RC1 appliance install package contains both the ONTAP Deploy tool and ONTAP Select node image. The Deploy tool contains ONTAP Select node images.
> the deploy VM is required for ongoing failure/recovery and supportability.
Hello ,
I just can`t distinguish the deploy package and select package . for I only find there is one OVA on NOW download page : ONTAPdeploy_2.0
where`s select package ? how to install select ? ONTAPdeploy will push select bits into ESXI or just import Select OVA into ESXI and then use ONTAPdepoy to manage select cluster ?
>>I just can`t distinguish the deploy package and select package . for I only find there is one OVA on NOW download page : ONTAPdeploy_2.0
>>where`s select package ? how to install select ? ONTAPdeploy will push select bits into ESXI or just import Select OVA into ESXI and then use ONTAPdepoy to manage select cluster ?
yes, ONTAP Deploy will push the select node and manage the ONTAP Select cluster.
I read a doc about OnTap SELECT, but don't know much about it.
For the first question, Does that mean I can not use or provision SAN/FC luns to client hosts? only NFS or CIFS?
What does the first question all about? since this seems an important part about SELECT, which I am missing. Can these disks attaching to local hosts be JBOX type of disks? then I dno't need FAS controllers at all. Correct?