ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I'm using the latest version of the PSTK and I'm writing some scripts to check the status of SnapVault relationships and ran into an interesting issue with case sensitivity. When I run the cmdlet, Get-NaSnapvault, it returns the secondary path in all lowercase. It just so happens that there are capital letters in the volume name which contains the qtree, so if I try to parse the text or even run the Get-NaQtree cmdlet using the SecondaryPath property of the objects returned by Get-NaSnapvault, I get nothing:
PS H:\> Get-NaSnapvault | Format-Table -AutoSize PrimarySystem PrimaryPath SecondaryPath MaxRate MaxTries ------------- ----------- ------------- ------- -------- ahnfas8978 /vol/test_snapvault_wfa /vol/test_snapvault_wfa_mirror_2016_06_v1/qtree_02062016_153641 4 TB 2 ahnfas8978 /vol/test_snapvault_wfa /vol/test_snapvault_wfa_mirror/qtree_02062016_153641 4 TB 2 PS H:\> Get-NaQtree /vol/test_snapvault_wfa_mirror_2016_06_v1/qtree_02062016_153641 | Format-Table -AutoSize PS H:\>
But if I correct the volume name, it works fine:
PS H:\> Get-NaQtree /vol/test_snapvault_wfa_mirror_2016_06_V1/qtree_02062016_153641 | Format-Table -AutoSize Volume Qtree Status Security OpLocks ------ ----- ------ -------- ------- test_snapvault_wfa_mirror_2016_06_V1 qtree_02062016_153641 normal unix enabled PS H:\>
I can correct this by using PowerShell to do a case insensitive match, but that's a little messy and shouldn't be necessary. If ONTAP is case sensitive anywhere, it should be case sensitive everywhere.
Use get-nasnapvaultsecstatus - see if that's different.
I'm on v3.3 build 65
It also returns in all lowercase:
PS H:\> Get-NaSnapvaultSecStatus | ft -AutoSize Primary Secondary State Status LagTimeTS ------- --------- ----- ------ --------- ahnfas8978:/vol/test_snapvault_wfa ahnfas8978:/vol/test_snapvault_wfa_mirror/qtree_02062016_153641 snapvaulted idle 08:29:33 ahnfas8978:/vol/vol01_fl3677_cifs01_DR ahnfas8966:/vol/vault_current/vault_vol01_fl3677_cifs01 source idle 54.08:59:36 ahnfas8978:/vol/test_snapvault_wfa ahnfas8978:/vol/test_snapvault_wfa_mirror_2016_06_v1/qtree_02062016_153641 source idle 10.22:10:05
I really think this is not a powershell issue. Windows usually doesn't care about case but Ontap does. Since powershell make use of ONTAPI (Ontap API) it does really care about it.
To help you with this I have a little trick. First get snapvault result to a variable then extract volume name in lowercase. After that you can do somethink like this:
$RightCasedVolumeName = (Get-NaVol|Where-Object{$_.Name -imatch $lowerCaseVolumeName}).Name
It's a little bit uggly (actually it's horrible) but works.
You can use ZEDI Explorer to check API output just to be sure if this is an API issue.
Yes, that's basically what I'm doing with my code. It would be much better if the toolkit returned everything in the proper case to begin with.
I really think this is not related to Powershell Toolkit. I've tried in my environment and i get response in correct case.
To be sure, you can download netapp-manageability-sdk (not the .net bindings one) and go to the folder zedi. Inside there is the an executable called zexplore.exe. From there you can query your filer. This cmdlet uses the "snapvault-secondary-configuration-list-info" API call.
If i had any filer in the same version you have and using snapvault in it I could try it.
You're correct, the issue is not specifically with the PowerShell Toolkit - I get the same case mismatch using the CLI:
ahnfas8978> snapvault status Snapvault is ON. Source Destination State Lag Status ahnfas8978:/vol/test_snapvault_wfa ahnfas8978:/vol/test_snapvault_wfa_mirror/qtree_02062016_153641 Snapvaulted 685:57:25 Quiescing ahnfas8978:/vol/vol01_fl3677_cifs01_DR ahnfas8966:/vol/vault_current/vault_vol01_fl3677_cifs01 Source 1982:27:28 Idle ahnfas8978:/vol/test_snapvault_wfa ahnfas8978:/vol/test_snapvault_wfa_mirror_2016_06_v1/qtree_02062016_153641 Source 939:37:57 Idle ahnfas8978>
Either way, it's sloppy.