ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I'm trying to create a Mirror and Vault Protection Relationship but I'm a little confused. When creating the Protection Relationship, why do I need to choose a Mirror and Vault Policy and a Schedule when my custom Mirror and Vault Protection Policiy (to-SAS) already includes the schedules (hourly and daily)? Furthermore, I can only choose one schedule but my custom Mirror and Vault Protection Policy includes two schedules (hourly and daily). What am I missing?
The "-schedule" parameter in your custom policy is not a transfer schedule and will not transfer Snapshot copies with the SnapMirror label whatever chosen "label" from the source. Specifying the "-schedule" parameter will only enable independent scheduled Snapshot copy creation on the destination with whatever SnapMirror "label".
To determine actual 'transfer-schedule' do this:
::> snapmirror show -destination-path vserver: destination-path
Policy: custom
SnapMirror Schedule: <schedule> <--Look for this (This is the one mentioned in your screenshot as hourly)
The other schedule is 'non-transfer schedule' (which is part of the Policy):
::> snapmirror policy show -policy custom
Here is the KB as well for more info:
How does the "schedule" parameter in an ONTAP 9 SnapMirror policy rule work?
Okay I think I get it. Is this correct?
If I specify a schedule in the Protection Relationship, then it will take snapshots of the source based on that schedule. These snapshots will not be created on the source and then transferred to the destination, rather they will only be created on the destination.
If I do not specify a schedule in the Protection Relationship, then it will take snapshots of the source based on the Protection Policy schedule. These snapshots will be created on the source and then backed up to the destination.
I am afraid but I see some confusion still in your wordings, so forgive me for correction.
1) When the schedule is provided in the Protection Relationship as mentioned in your screenshot: It is transferable (will trigger backup).
2) When the schedule is provided in the SnapMirror policy : It is non-transferable.
So transferable means that snapshots are taken by the destination, stored on the source, and then those snapshots are backed up (or transferred) to the destination?
Non-transferable means that snapshots will be taken by the destination and stored on the destination? Nothing stored on the source?
Yes, I agree.
If I want to use a secondary SnapVault Snapshot copy (non-transferable snapshot), then I need to add a schedule rule to the policy.
Does that mean that I need to set the relationship schedule to "none" then?
To check 'transferable schedule' run this command
::> snapmirror show -destination-path <vserver>:vol_mirror_vault -fields schedule,policy
Note: schedule parameter above is called the 'transferable' one.
To check 'non-transferable schedule' run this command
::> snapmirror policy show -vserver <vserver> -policy custom -fields schedule
Suppose the output shows 'none' that means I have nothing scheduled for 'non-transferable or independent snapshot' on the vault destination.
Suppose, I want to add 'non-transferable' schedule, for example - I decide, I want 'daily' independent snapshots, then I use this command:
::> snapmirror policy add-rule -vserver <vserver> -policy custom -snapmirror-label daily -keep 8 -schedule daily
Please note: "-schedule" parameter in the command above will only enable independent scheduled Snapshot copy creation on the destination with SnapMirror label "daily". Its' not a transfer schedule.
I added the non-transferable schedule via the CLI. When I look in Edit Relationship the schedule is set to weekly. That is the transferable schedule correct? That should be changed to to none then?