I need to change the IPs on my vfilers and change the default route. My vfilers handle iscsi and nfs. I do not have any fiber connections.
I planned on the following steps:
1. change the rc file to reflect the IP changes to the default IP space for the pfilers and vfilers
This includes changing the IPs for the vfilers, the pfiler, and the default route.
2. change the hosts files on the pfilers and vfilers
3. change the resovl.conf file on the pfilers and vfilers
4. reboot the filer
I have a clusterd pair running DataOntap 8.1.2 7-Mode. Here are my planned steps
- disable take over mode
- reboot one head
- test
- reboot other head
- test
- enable take over mode
5. perform cifs setup again for each vfiler and pfiler
I was reading https://communities.netapp.com/message/42803#42803Migrating a VFiler to a new IPspace and that post says I have to destory the vfiler and recreate them.
Since I am changing the pfiler and vfiler's IPs and then rebooting the heads do I need to destory and recreate the vfilers?