ONTAP Discussions

Redundant relationships found


I have a redudant relationship and i don't know how to remove it.

Conformance Action: Check for redundant relationships.

Effect: Found 1 redundant relationships.

Reason: Redundant relationships found.

Suggestion: Cleanup the redundant relationships.

C:\Documents and Settings\s.tedeschi>dfpm relationship list -r

Relationship Id Relationship Type    Dataset Id Dataset Name         Source                                   Destination                              Deleted Deleted By

--------------- -------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------- -----------



          23527 volume_snapmirror         21047 cifs_dr_svc          naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc06                 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc06                 No

These 2 relationships are identical !!!  naturally, on data ontap only one relation is present !!!

C:\Documents and Settings\s.tedeschi>dfpm relationship list -m 19899

Relationship Id Relationship Type    Dataset Id Dataset Name         Source                                   Destination                              Deleted Deleted By

--------------- -------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------- -----------


          19899 volume_snapmirror         21047 cifs_dr_svc          naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc06                 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc06                 No

C:\Documents and Settings\s.tedeschi>dfpm relationship list -m 23527

Relationship Id Relationship Type    Dataset Id Dataset Name         Source                                   Destination                              Deleted Deleted By

--------------- -------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------- -----------


          23527 volume_snapmirror         21047 cifs_dr_svc          naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc06                 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc06                 No

C:\Documents and Settings\s.tedeschi>dfm options list|findstr Reaper

dpReaperCleanupMode                   Orphans

dpReaperInterval                      30 minutes

C:\Documents and Settings\s.tedeschi>dfpm dataset list -l cifs_dr_svc

Id         Name                                                    Dataset Id Dataset Name         Type       Export Name

---------- ------------------------------------------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------

     18818 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc01                                     21047 cifs_dr_svc          volume     naitsede06:/vol/bck_hq_svc01

     18820 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc02                                     21047 cifs_dr_svc          volume     naitsede06:/vol/bck_hq_svc02

     18822 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc03                                     21047 cifs_dr_svc          volume     naitsede06:/vol/bck_hq_svc03

     18824 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc04                                     21047 cifs_dr_svc          volume     naitsede06:/vol/bck_hq_svc04

     18826 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc05                                     21047 cifs_dr_svc          volume     naitsede06:/vol/bck_hq_svc05

     18828 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc06                                     21047 cifs_dr_svc          volume     naitsede06:/vol/bck_hq_svc06

     19093 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc01/cifs_hq_svc_naitsede01_vol_hq_svc_01      21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     18838 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc01/svc01                               21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19031 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc02/cifs_hq_svc_naitsede01_vol_hq_svc_02      21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     18902 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc02/svc02                               21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     18943 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc03/svc03                               21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19045 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc03/cifs_hq_svc_naitsede01_vol_hq_svc_03      21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19765 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc04/cifs_hq_svc_naitsede01_vol_hq_svc_04      21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19766 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc04/svc04                               21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19767 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc05/cifs_hq_svc_naitsede01_vol_hq_svc_05      21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19773 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc05/svc05                               21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19768 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc06/cifs_hq_svc_naitsede01_vol_hq_svc_06      21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19775 naitsede06:/bck_hq_svc06/svc06                               21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19852 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc01                                     21047 cifs_dr_svc          volume

     19854 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc02                                     21047 cifs_dr_svc          volume

     19856 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc03                                     21047 cifs_dr_svc          volume

     23452 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc04                                     21047 cifs_dr_svc          volume

     23459 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc06                                     21047 cifs_dr_svc          volume

     23455 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc05                                     21047 cifs_dr_svc          volume

     19948 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc01/svc01                               21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19949 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc01/cifs_hq_svc_naitsede01_vol_hq_svc_01      21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19930 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc02/svc02                               21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19931 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc02/cifs_hq_svc_naitsede01_vol_hq_svc_02      21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19927 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc03/svc03                               21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     19928 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc03/cifs_hq_svc_naitsede01_vol_hq_svc_03      21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     23523 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc04/cifs_hq_svc_naitsede01_vol_hq_svc_04      21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     23524 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc04/svc04                               21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     23525 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc06/cifs_hq_svc_naitsede01_vol_hq_svc_06      21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     23526 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc06/svc06                               21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     23528 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc05/cifs_hq_svc_naitsede01_vol_hq_svc_05      21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree

     23529 naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc05/svc05                               21047 cifs_dr_svc          qtree



I've tried to relinquish the relation from dataset without success.

C:\Documents and Settings\s.tedeschi>dfpm dataset relinquish naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc06

Error: Could not find relationship information: Multiple managed relationships with destination 'naitsleo2:/repl_hq_svc06' found.


I've seen this after moving VSM destination volumes to a different filer/aggr.  What I did was go into the PM GUI, edit the dataset, then remove the offending physical resources from the Primary and Mirrors.  Anything taken out in error can easily be re-added using the Import in 'External Relationships'

Hope that helps,



yes,sure. It happened after moving VSM dest volumes in another aggr.

I've opened a case and i wait input from support.

Relinquish of the relations is not allowed.. i 've an error similar to "multiple object found..


We've been moving a number of VSM destinations to a different filer.  What I do is remove the source and dest volumes from the dataset (so the mirror now appears in 'External Relationships'), then do the dest volume move.  Once you've resync'ed the mirror to the new destination and DFM has discovered the new relationship, you can import it via 'External Relationships'.  I use the GUI to do this, but I'm sure there are CLI equivalents.

Doesn't help you know, but for future reference...
