Yes, you can SnapMirror to multiple destinations.
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22.06.2013, в 19:56, "RATNATHURAI" <<>> написал(а):
created by RATNATHURAI<> in Data ONTAP - View the full discussion<>
We are snapmirroing database and log files to an aggregate on the destination filer , this aggregate on the filer need to be destroy becuase of the raid sie and space etc..
We can not have too long down time on our servers, this case we better have multiple copy of the databse and log files.
That is, If I have multiple copy then I can switch the luns from one place to another in minimum downtime.
Can we schedule snapmirror to multiple locations ?
For an example. I create another aggregate named this aggr1 on the same destination filer, then schedule snapmirror from source to detination 1 and 2.
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