I have a SVM-DR relationship between 2 cabins.
Once I activate the SVM-DR in destination, the SVM is activated correctly, the problem is when I want the SVM to return to the source storage.
What I do is click on the SVM-DR relationship that is broken and select Reverse resync so that it sends the information to the SVM that is in origin, but it shows me an error, the following:
Last transfer Error:
Failed to apply the source Vserver configuration. Reason: Apply failed for Object:sis Method:baseline, Reason:Failed to modify efficiency configuration for volume "x" of vserver "x": Compression cannot be disabled while an efficiency operation is in progress on the volume. Retry the command after stopping the efficiency operation on volume. Execute "snapmirror show -destination-vserver "x" -fields last-transfer-error,unhealthy reason -expand to check if the constituent volumes have encountered errors.
Last trasfer Type: Resync
No SVM-DR works for me, what can happen? At source I have the storage efficiency activated and when the SVM is at destination, I have not touched any storage efficiency option. Ontap version 9.7p6