ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I have configure my svm and create some volume for share AD domain user...
it seem work fine. but some time netAPP simulator show EMERGENCY MESSAGE: None of the LSA servers configured for Vserver (svm0) are current accessible via the network.
But when I reboot simulator server....it could work fine for let user access these volume.
it has occur some time one day.
Whether it is simularot issue or which command that I must be set , OR I must add second Domain Controller for svm ?
Solved! See The Solution
Following kb provides common issues that are found to lead to the error message secd.lsa.noServers:
Just an advise: It's just a simulator (Not a production unit), so even if there are any event messages, you can ignore it, unless it is stopping you from testing/achieving something that you intend to do. Also, keep a snapshot of a 'working simulator, so that you can restore it back and save time to rebuild it. Simulators are prone to crash (if the root vol gets full), therefore a snapshot copy of the 'working simulator' will make your lab experience more productive.
Following kb provides common issues that are found to lead to the error message secd.lsa.noServers:
Just an advise: It's just a simulator (Not a production unit), so even if there are any event messages, you can ignore it, unless it is stopping you from testing/achieving something that you intend to do. Also, keep a snapshot of a 'working simulator, so that you can restore it back and save time to rebuild it. Simulators are prone to crash (if the root vol gets full), therefore a snapshot copy of the 'working simulator' will make your lab experience more productive.
About this message...I try to much times, then windows client touch the svm's share volume...the ONTAP simulator immediate show similar message then windows client maybe enter the folder , or touch share folder failed.
P.S: in my lab...I set four Network Card are bridge mode and set node IP/Cluster IP / SVM IP using the same subnet ( the export policy been set
For comparison, I deployed NetAPP to ESXi 6.7 and made the same settings. At present, we have not encountered any LSA or Netlogon messages.
I wonder if anyone has successfully deployed NetAPP using VMWare workstation and then created a VIFS Volume for Windows access without LSA/NetLogon problems?