I have four relationships between the same two ONTAP 8.3.2 clusters. Three relationships update every 4 hours in an acceptible time frame.
One of the four starts transferring then pauses.... sometimes for 20-30 minutes... then continues... then pauses some more....
Over the course of the day the average time to complete the SLOW relationship is over 1 hour.
Average for the other transfers are all under 23 minutes.
Latest transfer stats:
Source:volA --> Dest:volA_mirror average bytes transferred is 743MB and takes an average of 26 seconds
Source:volB --> Dest:volB_mirror average bytes transferred is 22.6GB and takes an average of 22 minutes 6 seconds
Source:volC --> Dest:volC_mirror average bytes transferred is 5GB and takes an average of 1 hour and 9 minutes
Source:volD --> Dest:volD_mirror average bytes transferred is 12.6GB and takes an average of 4 minutes 30 seconds
All fours source volumes are on the same node/aggregate, all four destination volumes are on the same node/aggregate.
What could be causing 1 of the 4 to drag on for so long... some WAFL process, etc.??