Hi Experts!
I am in confusing situation right now, quick help would be highly appreciating.
I have IBM N 3300 with two site replication and snpmirror was configured by my collegue in feburuary, I took the system today and just found that the snapmirror replation was broken off since feburauary. I tried to resynch the setup but the command reverting the destination volume and abort the process
The command reults are here for your kind information.
Source = NAS2
Destination= NAS3
NAS3> snapmirror status
Snapmirror is on.
Source Destination State Lag Status
NAS2:FSVOL1 NAS3:DRFVOL1 Snapmirrored 2186:10:32 Idle
NAS2> snapmirror status
Snapmirror is on.
Source Destination State Lag Statu
NAS2:FSVOL1 NAS3:DRFVOL1 Source 2163:42:38 Idle
The problem is that the DR volume is utilizing the more capacity than it has allocated earlier.
/vol/DRFVOL1/ 1024GB 1022GB 2043MB (4KB) /vol/DRFVOL1/
/vol/DRFVOL1/.snapshot 0TB 0TB 0TB 0TB /vol/DRFVOL1
The snapmirror is no more working as it is in idle status, and when I try to quiesce and break the relation to test the Destination drive status it is not showing me the partition except then the snapshot.
NAS3> snapmirror quiesce NAS3:DRFVOL1
snapmirror quiesce: in progress
This can be a long-running operation. Use Control - C (^C) to interrupt.
snapmirror quiesce: DRFVOL1 : Successfully quiesced
NAS3> snapmirror break NAS3:DRFVOL1
Tue May 18 18:17:29 AST [wafl.snaprestore.revert:notice]: Reverting volume DRFVO
L1 to a previous snapshot.
snapmirror break: Destination DRFVOL1 is now writable.
Volume size is being retained for potential snapmirror resync. If you would lik
e to grow the volume and do not expect to resync, set vol option fs_size_fixed t
o off.
There is also problem that I am not able to resynch or initialize the snapmirror relation between source and destination, see the following event details that I am recieveing right now.
NAS3> snapmirror resync -S NAS2:FSVOL1 NAS3:DRFVOL1
The resync base snapshot will be: hourly.0
Are you sure you want to resync the volume? y
Tue May 18 18:19:19 AST [snapmirror.dst.resync.info:notice]: SnapMirror resync o
f DRFVOL1 to NAS2:FSVOL1 is using hourly.0 as the base snapshot.
Volume DRFVOL1 will be briefly unavailable before coming back online.
Tue May 18 18:19:20 AST [wafl.snaprestore.revert:notice]: Reverting volume DRFVO
L1 to a previous snapshot.
exportfs [Line 5]: Export of local volume /vol/DRFVOL1 requires nfs license
Revert to resync base snapshot was successful.
Tue May 18 18:19:20 AST [snapmirror.dst.resync.success:notice]: SnapMirror resyn
c of DRFVOL1 to NAS2:FSVOL1 successful.
Tue May 18 18:19:21 AST [snapmirror.dst.err:error]: SnapMirror destination trans
fer from NAS2:FSVOL1 to DRFVOL1 : process was aborted.
Transfer aborted: process was aborted.
I would be appreciating if some one closely look up the issue and revert back with the correct procedures.
Furqan Ghani